[ Team ] Team Plugin

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by PlanetEnjxy, Oct 15, 2011.

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    The Team Plugin

    Can someone please make me a team plugin?

    i tried simpleclans but its out dated :(

    i need a plugin that allows you to make a team name and invite players

    i was thinking of this:

    when some one needs a team or dosnt have one:

    /create team <team name> creates team
    /list teams shows all the teams
    /t look < team name > show team stats like players online/offline and teams KDR as a group.
    /t top shows top 10 teams with there KDR. you get ranked on how may players your team kills and dies.
    /kdr shows how many players you killed
    /kdr <player name> shows the players KDR

    when someone has a team they can do:

    /t leave leave the team.
    /t chat on:eek:ff team chat on or off

    when someone makes a team AKA the owner:

    /t invite <player name> invites a player to your team
    /t close closes the team and leaves his team with out a team

    when you get invited to a team:

    /t accept < team name >
    /t deny < team name >
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