Target Practice MiniGame

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Derbaderbin, Sep 3, 2015.

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    Suggested name: TargetPractice

    First off, i HAVE looked for a few days and cannot find anything that i need. What i need is We have a castle type factions spawn. In the back we have like scare crows that we have set up to shoot at with bows and arrows. So i would like to integrate where They get like 1$ each time they hit the middle block. So at the closest fence if you hit it you would get 1$, the next farthest one you get 2$ and the farthest one is 5$. And i would need it to go along with the eco system. The people on the server can use money to buy things for factions.

    Ideas for commands: Set prize, possible change range,

    Ideas for permissions: Im not sure with Permissions

    When I'd like it by: by next month would be great!
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