Filled Tamed wolf spawn egg

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Kiwi_Face, Aug 17, 2015.

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    I know with certain plugins you can add commands to items but to summon a tamed wolf you have to give it a specific name for it's owner.
    /summon Wolf ~ ~ ~ {Owner:[playername]}

    It would be awesome if their was a plugin where you could add this command to a spawn egg (or maybe just a random item) and it would summon a wolf who's owner was the person who summoned it
  2. Offline


    I will look into this right away! I hope I'll have this plugin for you in an hour max ;)

    I'm afraid I don't know how this would work, I'm fairly new to plugin developement. I'll still try to make this plugin, even if someone else made it, just for experience. But I think someone else should see if they can make this xD

    EDIT by Timtower: merged posts
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 17, 2015
    Kiwi_Face and lubbs31 like this.
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    Alright, I have it done. This plugin, is someone right (or left clicks) any wolf spawn egg, the wolf will be automatically tamed. Is this what your looking for ?

    (btw posting on bukkit)
    Kiwi_Face likes this.
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    lubbs31 likes this.
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    Okay. I posted it last night, but it's still waiting for approval... If it's not accepted in a few hours, I will post it on dropbox.
    Kiwi_Face likes this.
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    Ok its been a few hours now do want to dropbox it now?
    lubbs31 likes this.
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    Just for fun, to, I added it so the dogs are named after the owner, e.g. "Lubbs31's Dog"

    Tell me any bugs you find, or any changes you want. Also, mark as filled :D

    EDIT: removed link - download from bukkit
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2015
    Kiwi_Face likes this.
  10. Offline


    Thanks it's perfect!!!
    Also the thing where they are named after the owner is great for what i want this plugin for!
    lubbs31 likes this.
  11. Offline


    Great! I found one bug yesterday when I was testing it, the egg wouldn't disappear, but I thought of a potential fix this morning, and I haven't tested it. Does the egg (1) disappear?
  12. Offline


    I haven't seen that while I've been using it
    lubbs31 likes this.
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