Survival Worldedit

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by niels1189, May 30, 2013.

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    This is a bit complicated and you will probably need to copy some things from the original worldedit. But I would like to have someone make this for me.

    name: Survival Worldedit

    what it do: Uses the blocks in your inventory to do worldedit. let's say you set 2 positions and then do //set stone. if you have 10 blocks to edit and you have 64 blocks. You will end up with 54 blocks. and the blocks will be placed.

    Along with some other commands. If possible I want to add the ability to not edit things within someone else's region (worldguard, towny, griefpreventions at least) (enable or disable in config) (including perms to bypass)

    This is a pretty big job but I hope someone's interested.

    If you want to code plugins for my server -contact me- I offer DEV rank's on my server.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    niels1189 There is already an option in one of the configs to use the players inventory
    Zarius, Minnymin3 and Ultimate_n00b like this.
  3. Offline


    I actually didn't know this option existed.
    Too bad WorldEdit does not obey WorldGuard build rules in protected regions.
    Otherwhise this feature would be really nice.
    But if players can use it to grief in protected regions, it's not that great.
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    that's why i need someone to make an addon or something to make that possible. thx for informing me of the option in the config. ill look at it

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