Suggest Command

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by LCastr0, Jun 5, 2014.

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    Hey, I think almost everyone knows about the JSON messages, with the option to send a link, suggest a command and a lot more options.
    I was thinking about it, and thought of something that made me curious: Would I be able to suggest a command to the player, without the need of the chat message?
    That's why I'm here. Is there a way to suggest a command when the player, for example, right click another player, without sending the player a JSON chat message? (The player would just right click something and then the chat would open with a suggested command)

    I was trying with packets, and I got the Enum 'EnumClickAction.SUGGEST_COMMAND'. Is it right? If so, how would I use it to suggest the command?

    Bump? D:

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 30, 2016
  2. Offline


    LCastr0 Look through mc-dev, see if you can find a Packet for it. I haven't found any in/out Packets, so it may be handled client-side (which would make the fact that there is a server-side enum for it odd), though the enum may be used for something else.
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    I think the Enum is only used to send JSON messages using the IChatBaseComponent :/
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    LCastr0 I'd think it has something to do with the sending of the chat (I notice it has a way of converting the Enum to a String, and vise-versa)
    But yeah, it may just be client-side, so there may be no way of sending it.
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