Static modifier's

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by DuskFireHD, Jan 9, 2015.

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  1. Offline


    Hello people, Heaps of people have been telling me not to use static modifier's in my code is this true? thanks :D
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    Don't use them when they are not necessary/appropriate.
  3. Offline


    It depends. Static destroys Object Oriented Programming which you should structure your code by. If you are using it solely to access a field from another class, you are using it wrong! Here is a good rule to decide whether a field should be static: If it makes sense to and if you can make it final. If you can do those, then sure make it static.
  4. Offline



    Not everything that is static should be final. There are usages for 'static' other than constants.
  5. Offline


    Not including methods though. It is a good rule to ackowledge when using static especially when someone has questions about it.
  6. Offline



    I understand, I'm talking about static fields. Like:

    private static int instances;
    public Constructor() {
    Is a relatively valid use of static.
    leon3001 and teej107 like this.
  7. Offline


    Well in that case, I would go by your advice.
    Some people don't know when they are necessary and use them inappropriately though. But you have proved your point!
    mythbusterma likes this.
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    @mythbusterma Thanks but here is my problem and this code here is without any static's but it still don't work? I have done it with static's and it works but im trying not to use them


    package api;

    import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginManager;

    import api.scoreboard.lobbysb;
    import api.scoreboard.sbmanager;
    import api.methods.methods;

    public class main extends JavaPlugin {

    methods methods;
    lobbysb lobbysb;
    sbmanager sbmanager;

    public void onEnable(){
    getLogger().info("Arcade now enabled!");

    public void onDisable(){

    public void registerListeners(){
    PluginManager pm = getServer().getPluginManager();

    pm.registerEvents(new sbmanager(this, lobbysb),this);
    pm.registerEvents(new lobbysb(this, methods), this);


    Scoreboard register:

    package api.scoreboard;

    import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
    import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
    import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
    import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerJoinEvent;

    import api.main;

    public class sbmanager implements Listener {

    main plugin;
    lobbysb lobbysb;

    public sbmanager(main instance, lobbysb lobby){
    plugin = instance;
    lobbysb = lobby;

    public void onJoin(PlayerJoinEvent e) {
    final Player p = e.getPlayer();


    package api.scoreboard;

    import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
    import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
    import org.bukkit.scoreboard.DisplaySlot;
    import org.bukkit.scoreboard.Objective;
    import org.bukkit.scoreboard.Score;
    import org.bukkit.scoreboard.Scoreboard;
    import api.main;
    import api.methods.methods;

    public class lobbysb implements Listener {

    main plugin;
    methods methods;

    public lobbysb(main instance, methods meths){
    plugin = instance;
    methods = meths;

    public Scoreboard board;

    public void makeScoreboard() {
    board = Bukkit.getScoreboardManager().getNewScoreboard();

    final Objective o = board.registerNewObjective("Test", "Test2");


    Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(plugin, new Runnable() {
    public void run(){

    o.setDisplayName("§f§lStarting in: " + methods.getLobbyCountDown());

    Score kit1 = o.getScore("§3Kit:");
    Score kit2 = o.getScore("§f- Coming soon!");

    Score players1 = o.getScore("§3Players:");
    Score players2 = o.getScore("§f- " + Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers().length + "/" + methods.getMaxPlayers());
    }, 0, methods.timePerSecond());
  9. Offline


    @DuskFireHD Your code is still hard to read. Please use naming conventions.
  10. Offline


    Are you serious? You say his code is hard to read because of naming conventions? I would've thought you said his code is hard to read because he isn't using the code tags! xD

    @DuskFireHD Use code tags. And naming conventions do make code easier to read.
  11. Offline


    Good point xD
    I originally thought this
    lobbysb lobbysb;
    was a syntax error until I looked at his imports.
    ChipDev likes this.
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    Skionz likes this.
  13. Offline


    In some situations they can be useful, but it's good practice to try and use them as little as possible.
  14. Offline


    They are a tool to be used. They have a time and a place, but many people do not understand what that is (it's also hard to explain for every situation).
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