Starting out

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by blazen988, Dec 18, 2011.

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    hey i want to start developing plugins for my server. I was wondering if someone could point me in the directions of where i should go and how to go about starting this. I am going to need to learn way more java code then what i already know so if you could also point me in that direction that would be great.

    Plugin i want to develop
    A Spawn Plugin
    --Detects if a player first joins and sends them to a set Spawn area and announces that they have joined
    --Detects if its just a normal player doing /spawn and takes them to the set spawn area.

    All help on getting me started on making my own plugin would be amazing thanks!!
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    Patrick Wrobel

    It depends on how much Java you know. It's not too difficult to learn as you go though. Here is a tutorial the provides a pretty good foundation of what you need to know to make a plugin:

    Once, you have gone through that, you'll find that you'll need to know a lot more about Bukkit to get what you want done though. Familiarizing yourself with the API from: is the best thing to look at next. You don't need to know everything there, you should just be able to find the stuff that you need to know.
  3. Make sure you know the basics of Java first. thenewboston on YouTube has some good tutorials.
    For the plugin development you could google/YouTube bukkit plugin tutorial and you should get loads of good tutorials (The ones from WoopaGaming are good. @Samkio , @Torrent *wink wink*) You can also look around in the Plugin Development and Resources section for some good code snippets.
    Samkio and Torrent like this.
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    thanks for helping i will give this all a shot
    r3Fuze likes this.
  5. Good luck and happy holidays!
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    same to you to man
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