Starting off programming

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by ShadowDust99, Nov 26, 2014.

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    Hi there everyone,
    I have just started programming plugins and need some help. Could someone please tell me how to make a basic plugin AND tell me what every line and every little command does so I can use them in future projects and learn how everything works? I have followed a few tutorials, but they are all different, and aren't very descriptive in saying what every little thing does, which I need to know because I will use it by my self eventually and make my very own plugins. Thanks!
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    The java book for dummies (i readed that to :p)
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    This may be relevant to you:


    A final note: familiarize yourself with what you want your plugin to do. If you have an idea of what your plugin should do, check first to see if it's already been done previously. If it has, is there any point to developing your plugin? Is the existing plugin out of date? Does the existing plugin use extremely inefficient programming practices? Does your plugin offer any improvements over the existing plugin? If so, try and work from existing source material and create user stories to help you decide what your plugin will do.
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