Filled StaffCommander

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Protom1234, Jan 28, 2015.

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    Plugin category: Staff, Players

    Suggested name: StaffCommander

    What I want: I would like a plugin that when I do /staff <playername> it will add someone to the group staff and do other commands that I want it to do. Also, could you make the commands that it excutes editable in a config? Next, please add that feature with unlimited commands I can add.
    My next part is a command maker in general but with the StaffCommander name. I want to create my own commands (Tried the Commander plugin, does not work). Could you make it so I can add unlimited commands for example the staff one is default and cannot be removed but the commands there and can edited. And kTriggers doesn't work for command making.

    Ideas for commands: None default, I want to make them

    Ideas for permissions: staffcommander.<command name made>

    When I'd like it by: Whenever, this week would be amazing
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    My Plugin CommandOverride is able to do this.
    Link is in my signature.
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    It's not being added to the server. Well it is but there is no config editable. @mrCookieSlime

    It's sorted. It automatically downloaded the CS-Lib. So I need help with making commands. I have no idea what to do @mrCookieSlime

    EDIT by Timtower: merged posts
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2015
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    Look at its BukkitDev Page, read everything.
    If there are still questions, dont hesitate to ask me what youre stuck with.
    Also mark this Thread as Filled then.
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    mrCookieSlime likes this.
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