Filled SpawnerEdit Plugin Request

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by bunnybear, Jun 29, 2014.

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    Plugin category: Fun

    Suggested name: SpawnerEdit

    What I want: I would like a plugin where, once you place a spawner, while you are looking at it, you can change multiple properties. Such as, where the mob will spawn, what type of mob, the radius of spawning, and the equipment the mob has. (Custom Names and XP would be nice too. ;))

    Ideas for commands: /spawneredit ((/se for short) As the main command.)
    /se location <x> <y> <z> (Set the coordinates the mobs are actually spawned at.)
    /se mob <mob> (To set the type of spawner.)
    /se name <name> (To set a custom name for the mob that is spawned.)
    /se radius <radius> (To set how big of a radius around the location the mob can be spawned randomly.) [Line 10]
    /se equipment [head] [body] [legs] [feet] [weapon] (To set the equipment the mob has.)
    /se effect <id> [amplifier] [length] (To set what effect the mob spawns with.)
    /se multieffect <id> [amplifier] [length],<id> [amplifier] [length] (For multiple effects.)
    /se xp <amount> (For amount of XP dropped when killed.)

    Ideas for permissions: spawneredit.use (For /se command.)
    spawneredit.loc (For /se location command.)
    spawneredit.mob (For /se mob command.) (For /se name command.)
    spawneredit.radi (For /se radius command.)
    spawneredit.equip (For /se equipment command.)
    spawneredit.effect (For /se effect command.)
    spawneredit.meffect (For /se multieffect command.)
    spawneredit.xp (For /se xp command.)
    spawneredit.* (For all commands.)

    When I'd like it by: Whenever.

    Replaced [chest] with [body].
    Added spawner.xp (For /se xp command.) and /se xp <amount> (For amount of XP dropped when killed.).
    Added ) back after accidentally deleting it.
    Moved all writing to the side so there are no spacing problems.
    Added d to replace.
    Replaced For with Set.
    Capitalized as.
    Added [Line 10] as a reference to Line 10, or the /se location command.
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    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2016
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