Filled Spawner fix

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Chessnutter, Aug 9, 2017.

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    Plugin category: Mobs

    Minecraft version: Spigot 1.12

    Suggested name: SilkSpawner Creeper Fix

    What I want:
    Silkspawners made a thing where when you use a mob egg, the mob spawns on the corner of the block clicked. I really need it back to the way it was. When u spawn a mob on top of a block, it needs to be spawned in the middle of the block. When its spawned on the side, it needs to be spawned 1 block away from clicked block.When its spawned on the underside of a block, the mob needs to be spawned under said block. The mob always has to spawn in the centre of the block.

    Another thing - with silkspawners you cant place a mob egg on a spawner, because it does something else. I want players to be able to place mobs on spawners. A possible fix would be to trick silkspawners into thinking the spawner was stone?

    Please make a plugin to fix both of these issues ASAP!

    Ideas for commands: No commands needed for this plugin.

    Ideas for permissions: No perms needed

    When I'd like it by: ASAP - My players are raiding with creeper eggs and need this fixed!
  2. Offline


    I looked at the code of the SilkSpawner plugin and it looks like you can disable this by changing the spawnEggOverride option in the config.

    If not than I'm afraid you are out of luck since there is no way of changing this. This is because they have set the EventPriority to highest and cancelled the event

    You could ask someone to make a plugin like SilkSpawner but with the features you need.
  3. Offline


    I tried this, doesnt work. What about the second part of the plugin i want?
  4. Offline


    Well you would need to replace the SilkSpawner plugin with a costum plugin. What features of SilkSpawner are you actually using?
  5. Offline


    Suggested name: Simple Spawners

    What I want:
    A way to pick spawners up with silk touch
    A way to allow spawners to drop from explosions (configurable chance drop rate)
    Stackable spawners
    No naming of spawners with anvils (dupe glitch fix)
    Needs to work with the sign shop of essentialsX

    And the above 2 things ^^^^^^

    Also, skim-reading is much easier with paragraphs!

    Ideas for commands: None needed

    Ideas for permissions: simplespawners.silktouch (can mine spawners with silk touch)

    When I'd like it by: ASAP.
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