Sounds! Need help bad! Please help!

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Chibbey, Jan 4, 2014.

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    Ok I'm making a plugin for my users in the hub will get a Iron pickaxe called Gun that they shoot so it acts like a gun. I want it so when they right click it and it shoots it plays a sound. But I'm not sure how to use sounds. But I'm guessing its somewhat like this
    1. Player p = (Player) sender;
    3. p.playSound(p.getLocation(), Sound.<Sound>, float, float);
    5. Also this is in an event so don't say this is wrong;

    What I am confused with is what do I do for the floats and for the Sound what Sound is the one on TheHiveMC in Hide and seek. When you hit too many times it makes the sssss... sound. What sound is that? please help me!

    Overview of what I need help with:

    What sound does HiveMC, Hide and seek, Too many times hitting a block, play?
    What are the 2 floats?

    I was wondering how would I get all the living entities besides players for a /killall command. So exactly like essentials. I just don't want everything essentials offers... So what would I do in the killall command to get all the entities in the WORLD and kill them. Besides players...
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    (My first Java Help Post :D ) Wait a sec ill edit my post over a minute Because i do have that in mine code let me see :
    1. loc.getWorld().playSound(loc.add(0,10,0), Sound.FIZZ, 100, );

    And the sound in the Hive sounds like Fizz With an Pitch of 100

    And can i have the full code? Because Im still learning and i want to know how that works
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