Something like Transport Pipes, but for 1.15.x

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by DylanMateo, May 26, 2020.

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    Minecraft version: 1.15.x

    Suggested name: PipeHopperReplacing hoppers with pipes. But those pipes would be causing much less lag. The pipes should have different types: Normal, Fast Pipe, Sorting Pipe.
    Now, basically, the pipes extract items from the chests, and the pipes next to it, which are all 1 direction only (including all metadata etc), then being able to go through a sorting pipe, which can have multiple items go through it, being decided by a gui, but if items cant go through the sorting pipe bcz they are a different type of item, then they go onto the next pipe. So a sorting system like that: (the | are the sorting pipes, and the _ are the normal pipes, altho i do want normal pipes being able to go down.)
    Last edited: May 28, 2020
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