Something like Antigrief for the new bukkit-permission

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Jobsti, Jul 22, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Hey guys,

    I need Antigrief for the new permissions, to protect my Server from Guests.
    Important for me is so prevent guests from creeper targeting and some things like attacking Users, Animals, open Doors, no vehicle use, no pickup etc.

    But I don't need the Zoneprotection.
  2. Offline


    I know the Dev that made AntiGrief. He should have more time to work on it, within the next few weeks. I know that he is getting married soon, so that has kind of preoccupied his time.

    What is not working for you? We use it on our server now and everything is fine. 1.7.3, RB1k. I would need to dbl check what version of AG we have though. he may have updated it for our server and just not released it...
  3. Offline


    For now, it works with GM and #1000.
    But we have to switch to the new bukkit permissions soon.
  4. Offline


    Why not use bPermissions as your permission manager for the new bukkit system? It should help you manage your groups super easily!
  5. Offline


    Because Antigrief doen't run correctly, we need an actual Version ;)

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