[SOLVED] Subtract Money With Vault

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by flaminsnowman99, Jul 11, 2012.

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    I need to do as the title says. Let me show you the code so I can better explain.
    public void subtractMoney(Player player, int cost) {
        String playername = player.getName();
        if(useEcon) {
            double balance = econ.getBalance(playername);
            //needs to subtract money here
    Where you see the comment. I need something like econ.setbalance or something equivalent to it. Any suggestions?
  2. Offline


    Hm... I tried using code similar to yours, however it doesnt work.
  3. Offline


    I use this:
    economy.withdrawPlayer(playername, amount)
  4. Why don't you post it and post any errors that you may have ?

    But yeah, basically you just do economy.depositPlayer(playername, amount), amount can be a negative value to subtract or just use economy.withdrawPlayer(playername, amount) after you've set up the economy which is fairly simple, just place this in your main class:
    private Economy economy;
    // in onEnable()
    if(Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("Vault") instanceof Vault)
    	RegisteredServiceProvider<Economy> service = Bukkit.getServicesManager().getRegistration(net.milkbowl.vault.economy.Economy.class);
    	if(service != null)
    		economy = service.getProvider();
    // .. in whatever event
    economy.depositPlayer(player.getName(), -100); // subtract 100 money from player
    That's all there is to it... but ofc check if economy != null before doing something economy related, to be sure vault is loaded... that unless you want vault as a requirement, in my class vault is optional.
    SumrioL likes this.
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    Actually, the amount may NOT be negative, as I learned from Sleaker recently (and the Vault API docs have been updated to make this clear now). To remove money, you must use withdrawPlayer().

  6. desht
    I used that initially but then changed it so I don't have to use Math.abs() on that value and so many conditions xD
    It would've been easier to just use one method for adding or removing.
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  8. Offline


    Okay. It's working now. Thank you all for the help!
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