[Solved] How to set block data?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by blackwolf12333, Jun 5, 2012.

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  1. Hello guys, i have just a little question, how do i set the data of an block, i know i have to use the function setData(byte) but i don't know how to do that:( the thing i really need this for is to put tall grass on a location instead of a dead bush...
    thanks in advance blackwolf12333
  2. Offline


    theBlock.setData((byte) 1)
  3. Nop :( that's why i am asking:p
  4. Offline


    What does your code look like?
  5. like this:
    Location loc = new Location(world, x, y, z);
                        Material m = Material.getMaterial(type);
                        if (m == null) {
                            plugin.log.info("Could not get the right materials!");
                        world.getBlockAt(loc).setData((byte) 1);
    The world, x,y,z are correct, and the variable type too...
    greetz blackwolf12333
  6. Offline


    setDurability((short) 1);
  7. I don't know where that function comes from, but it is not in the Block class...
  8. Offline


    Ohh sorry, I didn't realize you were using a block and not item stack lol. (Didn't read well) Um, your just trying to change a block into tall grass? After you have that method run, re-log and if it has changed to the correct block,then you may also need to send the player a block change. (Player.sendBlockChange(Location, Material, Byte))
  9. Nop, didn't change, am i not doing something wrong with setting the data or so?
  10. Offline


    Can I see the full class file?
  11. sure:
    package tk.blackwolf12333.grieflog.utils;
    import java.io.File;
    import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
    import org.bukkit.Location;
    import org.bukkit.Material;
    import org.bukkit.World;
    import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
    import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
    import tk.blackwolf12333.grieflog.GriefLog;
    import tk.blackwolf12333.grieflog.GriefLogSearcher;
    public class Rollback {
        GriefLog plugin;
        GriefLogSearcher searcher = new GriefLogSearcher();
        Time t = new Time();
        FileUtils fu;
        World world;
        String player;
        int x;
        int y;
        int z;
        public Rollback(GriefLog instance) {
            plugin = instance;
            fu = new FileUtils(instance);
        /*public boolean rollback(String player, Player sender, File file) {
            boolean ret = false;
            String[] data = fu.readLines(file, player);
            for (String element : data) {
                if (element == null) {
                if ((element.indexOf(player) > 0) && (element.indexOf("[BLOCK_BREAK]") > 0) || ((element.indexOf("[ENTITY_EXPLODE]") > 0) && (element.indexOf(player) > 0))) {
                    String[] split = element.split("\\ ");
                    String type = split[7];
                    String strX = split[10].replace(",", "");
                    String strY = split[11].replace(",", "");
                    String strZ = split[12].replace(",", "");
                    int x = Integer.parseInt(strX);
                    int y = Integer.parseInt(strY);
                    int z = Integer.parseInt(strZ);
                    world = sender.getWorld();
                    Location loc = new Location(world, x, y, z);
                    Material m = Material.getMaterial(type);
                    if (m == null) {
                        plugin.log.info("Could not get the right materials!");
                    ret = true;
                } else if ((element.indexOf(player) > 0) && element.indexOf("[BLOCK_PLACE]") > 0) {
                    String[] split = element.split("\\ ");
                    String strX = split[9].replace(",", "");
                    String strY = split[10].replace(",", "");
                    String strZ = split[11].replace(",", "");
                    int x = Integer.parseInt(strX);
                    int y = Integer.parseInt(strY);
                    int z = Integer.parseInt(strZ);
                    world = sender.getWorld();
                    Location loc = new Location(world, x, y, z);
                    ret = true;
            File files = new File("logs/");
            String[] list = files.list();
            if (list.length > 0) {
                for (String element : list) {
                    // search through the other logfiles, if the searched text is
                    // found break out this for loop
                    data = fu.readLines(new File("logs" + File.separator + element), player);
                    for (String element2 : data) {
                        if (element2 == null) {
                        if ((element2.indexOf(player) > 0) && (element2.indexOf("[BLOCK_BREAK]") > 0) || ((element2.indexOf("[ENTITY_EXPLODE]") > 0) && (element2.indexOf(player) > 0))) {
                            String[] split = element2.split("\\ ");
                            String type = split[7];
                            String strX = split[10].replace(",", "");
                            String strY = split[11].replace(",", "");
                            String strZ = split[12].replace(",", "");
                            int x = Integer.parseInt(strX);
                            int y = Integer.parseInt(strY);
                            int z = Integer.parseInt(strZ);
                            world = sender.getWorld();
                            Location loc = new Location(world, x, y, z);
                            Material m = Material.getMaterial(type);
                            if (m == null) {
                                plugin.log.info("Could not get the right materials!");
                            ret = true;
                        } else if ((element2.indexOf(player) > 0) && (element2.indexOf("[BLOCK_PLACE]") > 0)) {
                            String[] split = element2.split("\\ ");
                            String strX = split[9].replace(",", "");
                            String strY = split[10].replace(",", "");
                            String strZ = split[11].replace(",", "");
                            int x = Integer.parseInt(strX);
                            int y = Integer.parseInt(strY);
                            int z = Integer.parseInt(strZ);
                            world = sender.getWorld();
                            Location loc = new Location(world, x, y, z);
                            ret = true;
            } else if (list == null) {
                data = fu.readLines(file, player);
                for (String element : data) {
                    if (element == null) {
                    if ((element.indexOf(player) > 0) && (element.indexOf("[BLOCK_BREAK]") > 0) || ((element.indexOf("[ENTITY_EXPLODE]") > 0) && (element.indexOf(player) > 0))) {
                        String[] split = element.split("\\ ");
                        String type = split[7];
                        String strX = split[10].replace(",", "");
                        String strY = split[11].replace(",", "");
                        String strZ = split[12].replace(",", "");
                        int x = Integer.parseInt(strX);
                        int y = Integer.parseInt(strY);
                        int z = Integer.parseInt(strZ);
                        world = sender.getWorld();
                        Location loc = new Location(world, x, y, z);
                        Material m = Material.getMaterial(type);
                        if (m == null) {
                            plugin.log.info("Could not get the right materials!");
                        ret = true;
                    } else if ((element.indexOf(player) > 0) && element.indexOf("[BLOCK_PLACE]") > 0) {
                        String[] split = element.split("\\ ");
                        String strX = split[9].replace(",", "");
                        String strY = split[10].replace(",", "");
                        String strZ = split[11].replace(",", "");
                        int x = Integer.parseInt(strX);
                        int y = Integer.parseInt(strY);
                        int z = Integer.parseInt(strZ);
                        world = sender.getWorld();
                        Location loc = new Location(world, x, y, z);
                        ret = true;
            if (ret) {
                sender.sendMessage("[GriefLog] Rolled the griefer back!");
                return ret;
            return ret;
        public boolean rollbackEntity(Player sender, File file) {
            boolean ret = false;
            String[] data = fu.readLines(file, "[ENTITY_EXPLODE]");
            for (String element : data) {
                if (element == null) {
                } else {
                    String[] split = element.split("\\ ");
                    String blockType = split[6];
                    String strX = split[8].replace(",", "");
                    String strY = split[9].replace(",", "");
                    String strZ = split[10].replace(",", "");
                    int x = Integer.parseInt(strX);
                    int y = Integer.parseInt(strY);
                    int z = Integer.parseInt(strZ);
                    world = sender.getWorld();
                    Location loc = new Location(world, x, y, z);
                    Material m = Material.getMaterial(blockType);
                    if (m == null) {
                        plugin.log.info("Could not get the right materials!");
                    ret = true;
            File files = new File("logs/");
            String[] list = files.list();
            if (list.length > 0) {
                for (String element : list) {
                    data = fu.readLines(new File("logs" + File.separator + element), "[ENTITY_EXPLODE]");
                    for (String element2 : data) {
                        if (element2 == null) {
                        } else {
                            String[] split = element2.split("\\ ");
                            String blockType = split[6];
                            String strX = split[8].replace(",", "");
                            String strY = split[9].replace(",", "");
                            String strZ = split[10].replace(",", "");
                            int x = Integer.parseInt(strX);
                            int y = Integer.parseInt(strY);
                            int z = Integer.parseInt(strZ);
                            world = sender.getWorld();
                            Location loc = new Location(world, x, y, z);
                            Material m = Material.getMaterial(blockType);
                            if (m == null) {
                                plugin.log.info("Could not get the right materials!");
                            ret = true;
            } else if (list == null) {
                data = fu.readLines(file, "[ENTITY_EXPLODE]");
                for (String element : data) {
                    if (element == null) {
                    } else {
                        String[] split = element.split("\\ ");
                        String blockType = split[6];
                        String strX = split[8].replace(",", "");
                        String strY = split[9].replace(",", "");
                        String strZ = split[10].replace(",", "");
                        int x = Integer.parseInt(strX);
                        int y = Integer.parseInt(strY);
                        int z = Integer.parseInt(strZ);
                        world = sender.getWorld();
                        Location loc = new Location(world, x, y, z);
                        Material m = Material.getMaterial(blockType);
                        if (m == null) {
                            plugin.log.info("Could not get the right materials!");
                        ret = true;
            return ret;
        public void rollback(CommandSender sender, String ...text)
            if(text.length == 1) {
                String result = searcher.searchText(text[0]);
                String[] lines = result.split(System.getProperty("line.separator"));
                for(String line : lines)
                    if(line == null) {
                    } else if(line.contains("[PLAYER_LOGIN]")) {
                    } else if(line.contains("[PLAYER_COMMAND]")) {
                    } else if(line.contains("[BLOCK_BREAK]")) {
                        String[] content = line.split("\\ ");
                        String strX = content[9].replace(",", "");
                        String strY = content[10].replace(",", "");
                        String strZ = content[11].replace(",", "");
                        String type = content[6];
                        String worldname = content[13];
                        int x = Integer.parseInt(strX);
                        int y = Integer.parseInt(strY);
                        int z = Integer.parseInt(strZ);
                        world = Bukkit.getWorld(worldname);
                        Location loc = new Location(world, x, y, z);
                        Material m = Material.getMaterial(type);
                        if (m == null) {
                            plugin.log.info("Could not get the right materials!");
                        world.getBlockAt(loc).setData((byte) 1);
                    } else if(line.contains("[ENTITY_EXPLODE]")) {
                        String[] content = line.split("\\ ");
                        String strX = content[8].replace(",", "");
                        String strY = content[9].replace(",", "");
                        String strZ = content[10].replace(",", "");
                        String type = content[6];
                        String worldname = content[12];
                        int x = Integer.parseInt(strX);
                        int y = Integer.parseInt(strY);
                        int z = Integer.parseInt(strZ);
                        world = Bukkit.getWorld(worldname);
                        Location loc = new Location(world, x, y, z);
                        Material m = Material.getMaterial(type);
                        if (m == null) {
                            plugin.log.info("Could not get the right materials!");
                        world.getBlockAt(loc).setData((byte) 1);
                    } else if(line.contains("[BLOCK_PLACE]")) {
                        String[] content = line.split("\\ ");
                        String strX = content[9].replace(",", "");
                        String strY = content[10].replace(",", "");
                        String strZ = content[11].replace(",", "");
                        String worldname = content[13];
                        int x = Integer.parseInt(strX);
                        int y = Integer.parseInt(strY);
                        int z = Integer.parseInt(strZ);
                        world = Bukkit.getWorld(worldname);
                        Location loc = new Location(world, x, y, z);
                    } else if(line.contains("[BUCKET_LAVA_EMPTY]")) {
                        String[] content = line.split("\\ ");
                        String strX = content[6].replace(",", "");
                        String strY = content[7].replace(",", "");
                        String strZ = content[8].replace(",", "");
                        String worldname = content[10];
                        int x = Integer.parseInt(strX);
                        int y = Integer.parseInt(strY);
                        int z = Integer.parseInt(strZ);
                        world = Bukkit.getWorld(worldname);
                        Location loc = new Location(world, x, y, z);
                    } else if(line.contains("[BUCKET_WATER_EMPTY]")) {
                        String[] content = line.split("\\ ");
                        String strX = content[6].replace(",", "");
                        String strY = content[7].replace(",", "");
                        String strZ = content[8].replace(",", "");
                        String worldname = content[10];
                        int x = Integer.parseInt(strX);
                        int y = Integer.parseInt(strY);
                        int z = Integer.parseInt(strZ);
                        world = Bukkit.getWorld(worldname);
                        Location loc = new Location(world, x, y, z);
                sender.sendMessage("Rolled back da grief:D");
            } else if(text.length == 2) {
                String result = searcher.searchText(text[0], text[1]);
                String[] lines = result.split(System.getProperty("line.separator"));
                for(String line : lines)
                    if(line == null) {
                    } else if(line.contains("[PLAYER_LOGIN]")) {
                    } else if(line.contains("[PLAYER_COMMAND]")) {
                    } else if(line.contains("[BLOCK_BREAK]")) {
                        String[] content = line.split("\\ ");
                        String strX = content[9].replace(",", "");
                        String strY = content[10].replace(",", "");
                        String strZ = content[11].replace(",", "");
                        String type = content[6];
                        String worldname = content[13];
                        int x = Integer.parseInt(strX);
                        int y = Integer.parseInt(strY);
                        int z = Integer.parseInt(strZ);
                        world = Bukkit.getWorld(worldname);
                        Location loc = new Location(world, x, y, z);
                        Material m = Material.getMaterial(type);
                        if (m == null) {
                            plugin.log.info("Could not get the right materials!");
                    } else if(line.contains("[ENTITY_EXPLODE]")) {
                        String[] content = line.split("\\ ");
                        String strX = content[8].replace(",", "");
                        String strY = content[9].replace(",", "");
                        String strZ = content[10].replace(",", "");
                        String type = content[6];
                        String worldname = content[12];
                        int x = Integer.parseInt(strX);
                        int y = Integer.parseInt(strY);
                        int z = Integer.parseInt(strZ);
                        world = Bukkit.getWorld(worldname);
                        Location loc = new Location(world, x, y, z);
                        Material m = Material.getMaterial(type);
                        if (m == null) {
                            plugin.log.info("Could not get the right materials!");
                    } else if(line.contains("[BLOCK_PLACE]")) {
                        String[] content = line.split("\\ ");
                        String strX = content[9].replace(",", "");
                        String strY = content[10].replace(",", "");
                        String strZ = content[11].replace(",", "");
                        String worldname = content[13];
                        int x = Integer.parseInt(strX);
                        int y = Integer.parseInt(strY);
                        int z = Integer.parseInt(strZ);
                        world = Bukkit.getWorld(worldname);
                        Location loc = new Location(world, x, y, z);
                    } else if(line.contains("[BUCKET_LAVA_EMPTY]")) {
                        String[] content = line.split("\\ ");
                        String strX = content[6].replace(",", "");
                        String strY = content[7].replace(",", "");
                        String strZ = content[8].replace(",", "");
                        String worldname = content[10];
                        int x = Integer.parseInt(strX);
                        int y = Integer.parseInt(strY);
                        int z = Integer.parseInt(strZ);
                        world = Bukkit.getWorld(worldname);
                        Location loc = new Location(world, x, y, z);
                    } else if(line.contains("[BUCKET_WATER_EMPTY]")) {
                        String[] content = line.split("\\ ");
                        String strX = content[6].replace(",", "");
                        String strY = content[7].replace(",", "");
                        String strZ = content[8].replace(",", "");
                        String worldname = content[10];
                        int x = Integer.parseInt(strX);
                        int y = Integer.parseInt(strY);
                        int z = Integer.parseInt(strZ);
                        world = Bukkit.getWorld(worldname);
                        Location loc = new Location(world, x, y, z);
                sender.sendMessage("Rolled back da grief:D");
            } else if(text.length == 3) {
                String result = searcher.searchText(text[0], text[1], text[2]);
                String[] lines = result.split(System.getProperty("line.separator"));
                for(String line : lines)
                    if(line == null) {
                    } else if(line.contains("[PLAYER_LOGIN]")) {
                    } else if(line.contains("[PLAYER_COMMAND]")) {
                    } else if(line.contains("[BLOCK_BREAK]")) {
                        String[] content = line.split("\\ ");
                        String strX = content[9].replace(",", "");
                        String strY = content[10].replace(",", "");
                        String strZ = content[11].replace(",", "");
                        String type = content[6];
                        String worldname = content[13];
                        int x = Integer.parseInt(strX);
                        int y = Integer.parseInt(strY);
                        int z = Integer.parseInt(strZ);
                        world = Bukkit.getWorld(worldname);
                        Location loc = new Location(world, x, y, z);
                        Material m = Material.getMaterial(type);
                        if (m == null) {
                            plugin.log.info("Could not get the right materials!");
                    } else if(line.contains("[ENTITY_EXPLODE]")) {
                        String[] content = line.split("\\ ");
                        String strX = content[8].replace(",", "");
                        String strY = content[9].replace(",", "");
                        String strZ = content[10].replace(",", "");
                        String type = content[6];
                        String worldname = content[12];
                        int x = Integer.parseInt(strX);
                        int y = Integer.parseInt(strY);
                        int z = Integer.parseInt(strZ);
                        world = Bukkit.getWorld(worldname);
                        Location loc = new Location(world, x, y, z);
                        Material m = Material.getMaterial(type);
                        if (m == null) {
                            plugin.log.info("Could not get the right materials!");
                    } else if(line.contains("[BLOCK_PLACE]")) {
                        String[] content = line.split("\\ ");
                        String strX = content[9].replace(",", "");
                        String strY = content[10].replace(",", "");
                        String strZ = content[11].replace(",", "");
                        String worldname = content[13];
                        int x = Integer.parseInt(strX);
                        int y = Integer.parseInt(strY);
                        int z = Integer.parseInt(strZ);
                        world = Bukkit.getWorld(worldname);
                        Location loc = new Location(world, x, y, z);
                    } else if(line.contains("[BUCKET_LAVA_EMPTY]")) {
                        String[] content = line.split("\\ ");
                        String strX = content[6].replace(",", "");
                        String strY = content[7].replace(",", "");
                        String strZ = content[8].replace(",", "");
                        String worldname = content[10];
                        int x = Integer.parseInt(strX);
                        int y = Integer.parseInt(strY);
                        int z = Integer.parseInt(strZ);
                        world = Bukkit.getWorld(worldname);
                        Location loc = new Location(world, x, y, z);
                    } else if(line.contains("[BUCKET_WATER_EMPTY]")) {
                        String[] content = line.split("\\ ");
                        String strX = content[6].replace(",", "");
                        String strY = content[7].replace(",", "");
                        String strZ = content[8].replace(",", "");
                        String worldname = content[10];
                        int x = Integer.parseInt(strX);
                        int y = Integer.parseInt(strY);
                        int z = Integer.parseInt(strZ);
                        world = Bukkit.getWorld(worldname);
                        Location loc = new Location(world, x, y, z);
                sender.sendMessage("Rolled back da grief:D");
        * public boolean rollback(String player, Player sender, File file, long
        * from) { boolean ret = false;
        * String[] data = readLine(file, player);
        * for(int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if(data[i] == null) { continue; }
        * if((data[i].indexOf(player) > 0) && (data[i].indexOf("[BLOCK_BREAK]") >
        * 0)) { String[] split = data[i].split("\\ ");
        * String time = split[0] + " " + split[1]; if(t.getTimeStamp(time) < from)
        * { String type = split[7]; String strX = split[10].replace(",", "");
        * String strY = split[11].replace(",", ""); String strZ =
        * split[12].replace(",", ""); int x = Integer.parseInt(strX); int y =
        * Integer.parseInt(strY); int z = Integer.parseInt(strZ);
        * world = sender.getWorld(); Location loc = new Location(world, x, y, z);
        * Material m = Material.getMaterial(type); if(m == null) {
        * GriefLog.log.info("Could not get the right materials!"); continue; }
        * world.getBlockAt(loc).setType(m); } } else if((data[i].indexOf(player) >
        * 0) && data[i].indexOf("[BLOCK_PLACE]") > 0) { String[] split =
        * data[i].split("\\ ");
        * String time = split[0] + " " + split[1]; if(t.getTimeStamp(time) < 0) {
        * String strX = split[9].replace(",", ""); String strY =
        * split[10].replace(",", ""); String strZ = split[11].replace(",", ""); int
        * x = Integer.parseInt(strX); int y = Integer.parseInt(strY); int z =
        * Integer.parseInt(strZ);
        * world = sender.getWorld(); Location loc = new Location(world, x, y, z);
        * world.getBlockAt(loc).setType(Material.AIR); } } }
        * return ret; }
        */// not working
    sorry for the size...just skip the commented parts:p
  12. Offline


    Try switching around these 2:
    That way it sets the block type first. And add debug message so you know that the method is run.
  13. That did it:) thanks
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