[SOLVED] Can't connect to my external IP.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Ken R., Apr 14, 2011.

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    Ken R.

    So I've read several posts about this, and everyone suggests port forwarding.
    Something I've already done, since I've been running the standard minecraft_server.exe up untill now. I've also changed the port in server.properties to the same as the one forwarded in my router.
    Still not possible to connect. (time outs)
    I can connect via "localhost:myport". But that's about it.

    I'm running on 64bit win7. I rar'ed the folders, and sent them to my brother, he had no problem with the exact same files, and I was able to join. So clearly something is up with my setup.

    Any suggestions? :oops:
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    show me ur server.prop pastebin.com
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    Ken R.

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    hmmmmmmm try port forwarding 25565 instead and use 25565 as port what router are u using
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    Ken R.

    I'm using D-link dir-635.
    But I figured out what caused it.

    In the .bat file I specified Program Files (x86) for my java directory (as it said in the installation tutorial). I checked my programs and features, where I had 2x java installed. I uninstalled the 32 bit version. And changed the path in the .bat file to run the 64bit version of java instead.

    This solved the problem I was having :)
    So.. yaaay.

    Thanks for your time though!
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