Solved Simple thread question

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Goblom, Jul 28, 2014.

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    If i were to create a new thread and call sleep inside that thread would that freeze the main thread?
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    I think not, not sure though
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    Goblom Based on the fact that Thread.sleep pauses only the current thread I doubt it.
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    Zettelkasten I want to create a new thread because the scheduler is to mainthread and im a hipster like that.
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    Goblom ZodiacTheories:
    It only pauses the currently executing thread, so the main thread will continue running.
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    You missed an oppurtunity for the greatest pun ever:
    I want to create a new thread because the scheduler is to mainthread and im a hipster like that.
    ZodiacTheories and Goblom like this.
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    You can use the scheduler to make async tasks, which get their own thread.

    In general, it's probably much more efficient to do it that way versus sleeping threads, though I guess it may depend on how frequently you want the task to run.
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    Assuming you mean *not* Bukkit only, then I see!

    You can still do that, though- just make it a Runnable instead of a Thread.

    A Runnable can be executed by a Thread or a Bukkit Task, so either way it's useable I think.

    Except that Java lacks a scheduler .. hrm... ok, nevermind :)
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    NathanWolf Well, there is "EventQueue.invokeLater(Runnable)"
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    LOL .. that sounds fancy....

    The main issue I realized, as I was typing that last post, is that you'll design a Runnable differently depending on if you expect it to get invoked one time, and then do its own looping/delaying - versus being invoked several times and doing a little bit of work each time.

    I don't have a great answer to that, I guess. It would be nice if Java had a similar sort of "run repeated task" kind of feature .. seems like EventQueue (new to me!) gets you part of the way there...

    Anywho, since you marked this Solved and have a good solution I'm going to let it be - I can't think of a cross-compatible way to easily do what you're trying to do :)
    Goblom likes this.
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