Filled Simple PlayClock Scoreboard

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by StingerPlaysMC, Jul 21, 2016.

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    Plugin category: Mechanics

    Minecraft version: Preferably Minecraft 1.10
    Suggested name: PlayClock Scoreboard

    What I want: A simple plugin where a scoreboard is displayed on the sidebar. However, it specializes in a countdown clock.

    In game you can use a command to set the amount of time you want it to start running down. You can name the scoreboard in the config (and/or in-game).

    Most importantly, you should be able to reset the clock in game and set the time. To make it simple, nothing happens when the clock reaches 00:00.

    However, if possible for the developer, once the clock reaches 00:00, the text turns red. When it is counting down from 00:05, the text turns yellow as a warning sign. Usually, it can be white.

    Ideas for commands: Up to how the developer can utilize it but:

    {All number values are in SECONDS)

    /playclock create [name of scoreboard; can use spaces]

    To give the title of the scoreboard. If possible, be editable in the config.yml

    /playclock set [count value in seconds]

    When typed, a scoreboard displayed in the sidebar of a player's screen will flash with the seconds as set and the title of scoreboard (as set in config or in-game). However, it will not begin counting down. A separate command is needed to start the countdown.

    If one typed in the wrong value, this command should be able to be used again.

    /playclock start

    This command only works after the scoreboard has been given a title and most importantly has been set. This is what activates the countdown. If one typed "/playclock set 30" then it would just stay frozen at 00:30. In order to start the countdown, type /playclock start and it will begin counting down 00:29... 00:28... etc.

    /playclock stop

    Opposite of start. When counting down, if you want the clock to stop, type this command once and it will stay frozen at its number.

    /playclock display

    This command could be in the config.yml but if one didn't want the scoreboard in the sidebar to display, they could toggle it off with this command. This acts as a toggle command. So if you want it to display again, use this same command to make it easy.

    That's all I think!

    Ideas for permissions:


    Allows access to all the commands you can use for PlayClock.


    This allows the player to see the sidebar. They don't have access to any of the PlayClock commands but they can see the sidebar scoreboard. Without this permission, they wouldn't see it.

    When I'd like it by: Well ASAP but at least before End of August. Thanks!

    I appreciate the work one chooses to put into this! Thank you for taking on this! I hope I made this really easy for one to do as there is not much setup. If possible, a config.yml may not be needed but its up to however you want, if it makes it easy.

    If you might need any resources, here is a plugin that utilizes the "Digital Clock" feature. However, it isn't displayed on a sidebar - instead on a wall with whatever blocks you choose it to use. It also is rather big and can only be seen by looking at a certain direction.

    On the same page, they attached documentation for a programmer looking to use the "Digital Clock" in programming.
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    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 22, 2016
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  7. @StingerPlaysMC Don't put a label like "simple" on a plugin, if you meant easy to use or easy to make we can't really tell. You can't say how difficult something is if you can't do it yourself. This requires more work than you probably think.


    /playclock create (name)
    /playclock set (time)
    /playclock start
    /playclock stop
    /playclock display

    playerclock.access - Access to all commands
    playerclock.see - Access to /playerclock display

    Disabled-Players: {}
    Scoreboard-Title: '&6Player&7Clock'
    Scoreboard-Time: 30
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2016
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    Thank you so much for filing this plugin. I apologize for calling this "simple" I'll definitely avoid using those terms.

    EDIT: Everything works (Clock) but there was no config.yml generated for me. Also how would you delete the scoreboard names? Would this be done in config or would you just always create a /playclock create replacing the old one? (so there's no /playclock remove)

    Last edited: Jul 27, 2016
  9. That was a derp on my part.

    I didn't notice any delete command in your post so I also just left it out, you can always just replace but I will also add a remove. Give me 2 mins.

    EDIT: File updated, same link.
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    Alright thanks. I will make sure to check that out. Not sure if this sent but:

    I am wondering if you can add one extra thing for no rush. It is completely my fault for forgetting to mention this feature.

    Currently in a scoreboard, there is only one countdown timer displayed in a scoreboard. To the right of the number (ex: 00:30), there is a number 1 in red next to it.

    Here is a picture/visual to see what I mean:


    I am wondering whether you can add multiple clocks onto that scoreboard. So if I were to say type /playclock add time, it would make a second timer appear. The "2" in red would be next to it.

    To configure:

    /playclock set time {number of time}

    /playclock start time {number of time}

    /playclock stop time {number of time}

    /playclock remove time {number of time}

    So to summarize the times have number variables. Currently there is only one time on the scoreboard with a (1).

    With this, you can have a (2) and a (3). It is up to you whether there should be a limit. I guess due to possible lag the limit should be 5.

    Thus there would be two timers or more now in the scoreboard.

    If this is too much for you, I guess you can dismiss this. There is no rush for this feature. I am fine with taking this plugin by the end of August so you have a little over a month.

    Appreciate it!

  11. StingerPlaysMC likes this.
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    Ok, thanks! Looking forward to it!

    Just another pointer. When the clock is running, if you input /playclock start again, it will continue to run like normal but then if you do /playclock stop it will not stop. In fact when it gets to 00:00, it keeps going into the negatives. /playclock remove will not delete the scoreboard, as it just stays on.

    Currently the only fix I discovered is to delete the .jar and just redownload it again and install it. It then works as normal. I just wanted to point that out to you but I don't think it's a big deal. I just have to remember that when the clock is running, don't "accidentally start it again." Still a great plugin by far - especially with the supported color codes.
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    Hey @bwfcwalshy. Checking in here, how is the progress for you on the updated plugin you said you would bring? Appreciate the report!
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