Solved Showing the person who executed /ban with Essentials

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by cometear, Aug 16, 2014.

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  1. Offline


    Hi there,

    I'm wondering if it is possible to show who executed /ban on a user in the ban message. For instance, JohnnyJ123 was spamming so HarryH987 banned him with /ban JohnnyJ123 Spamming. Is there anyway, in the Essentials.jar, to make the ban reason state "You Have Been Banned by HarryH987 for: Spamming?" I understand you can edit the messages_en.lang and this may or may not be the answer. The main part of my question is can you, or can you not, with Essentials display the person who banned someone else in the ban reason?

  2. Offline


    No, I don't think you can. But there is a permission for banning to see who does ban someone if people are online and you aren't. It's essentials.ban.notify. In the chat, it will show who bans who. That's the closest you can get really.
  3. Offline


    banFormat locale setting can have the sender name if you use the {1} tag.
  4. Offline


    In case you didn't understand everything Necrodoom was talking about, I'll walk you through it.

    Okay, so go to the file that your essentials plugin is in. Right click it and go to "Open With", and then WinRaR archiver.


    Once you open it in WinRaR, find the "messeges_en" file, and drag it to your desktop or whatever folder you want.


    Now, simply right click the messages_en file, and click "Edit with Notepad++ (Assuming you have Notepad++)


    Press CTRL + F, and type in "banFormat", and press enter. It should look like this:


    Okay, add this next to it: \n\u00a7rBanned by: \u00a7r{1}
    (of course you can customize it however you want)
    It should look like this:


    Now, simply save the file, and drag and drop the messeges_en back into the essentials.jar archive


    The essentials.jar should immediate update after you press OK, and they player that banned them should now show up in the ban message. I hope this helped!

  5. Offline


    Thanks, I ended up just getting BanManager.
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