Sg plugin

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Gftdcrafter56, Jan 25, 2014.

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    An example post
    Below is an example post. Feel free to copy and paste to use as a start to yours!

    Plugin category: Minigames

    Suggested name: Survival games

    What I want: I'd like to see a proper survival games with :
    Thunder upon death
    A scoreboard and stats
    When you kill someone you get money
    No breaking block except leaves
    Multiverse support
    Colour support
    Death match
    Voting for whatever map
    A countdown till arena starts
    And anything you guys think is awesome

    My server is lacking because of no survival games

    Ideas for commands: you choose the commands

    Ideas for permissions: you choose the perms

    When I'd like it by: Whenever
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Gftdcrafter56 Please use this format when requesting such plugin:
  3. Offline


    Done I turned it into the proper format if anyone won't make please someone tell me the best sg plugin other than the one by double o negative and survival games x
  4. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    What is wrong with those plugins anyways?
  5. Offline


    Survival games x is meant for multiple servers and survival games by double o negative is inactive double o negative was last on bukkit last year and never answer tickets or comments and his survival games plugin has heaps of errors
  6. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Go to the irc channel #drtshock, I believe that doubleOnegative is on that channel
    Ask for an update
    Found a different channel: #survivalgames
  7. Offline


    I already did no success :( can u give me a link anyways to the channels so I can check if that's the one I went on a week ago
  8. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    What did he say than?
  9. Offline


    He said he wasn't going to
  10. Offline


    There's always lib's hunger games, though it's not on bukkit.
    15987632 likes this.
  11. Offline


    Can u give me a link
  12. Offline


    not allowed its on the spigot website not supported here. Google it it is the first thing you see
  13. Offline


    But that's also multiple server.
    There's "Survival Games All-In-One" plugin on Bukkit. Pretty much it's Survival Games X but multiverse support.
  14. Offline


    Is libs hunger games multi server
    And why does libs hunger games say this: Caution! This plugin deletes the main world by default everytime the server starts!
  15. Offline


    it is multiserver it will delete main world becuase its multiserver
  16. Offline


    My god please I need one which is the best other than sg x and sg by double o negative
  17. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    The best is relative, it is an opinion, if you don't like what we are suggesting then please search for yourself.
    Or get a developer in the "Show off your bukkit server" section and pay him to make it
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    timtower likes this.
  19. Offline


    He said it didn't need an update - latest builds were on the CI. I'm sure Double0negative can confirm this.
    timtower likes this.
  20. Offline


    Lol please can you give me one more chance on webchat irc and can you give me a link for the latest build of survival games
  21. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator
    Go to: ( big yellow button )
    Go to: ( Another big yellow button )
    Go to: ( link with latest version )
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    Latest builds are on the CI and are fully working. Follow the directions to set it up and it will work as expected. It seems to have a hard time reading and listening to what people have to say as I told you this multiple times on IRC Yesterday.
    klosjaarrr, drtshock and timtower like this.
  23. Offline


    This is not the place to discuss IRC bans. Contact the channel owner if you wish to appeal.
  24. Offline


    Can u add map voting and like a optional blood effect and make itsoyku can change the name ofthe plugin instead of just sg and fix the glitch where you spawn inside of a block

    How do I contact the owner
  25. Offline


    I am telling you the same stuff I told you yesterday. I am not adding anything new to the plugin right now as I am busy doing other stuff, The plugin is open src and you are free to get your own devs to add stuff. The plugin name is SG as that is what the plugin is.. You aren't changing that. You can change the message in messages.yml. And I told you, if you didn't set your spawn in a block, you wouldn't be spawning in the block.
    jacieleavell, timtower and drtshock like this.
  26. Offline


    Double0negative is right, he probably is super busy with other things. And plus, like he said, the plugin is open source!! Find a dev that could work on that for you and you're good! I am not exactly sure what is in double0negative's sg but it does have the essential factors. So adding small little features wouldn't be that hard.
  27. Offline


    <Edit by Jade: Removed URL shortener-shortened link.>
  28. Offline


    If you want to try mine, here you go.
  29. Offline


    Survival Games-X
    Survival Games All in One.

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