Setup Starting Group

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by moselekm, Aug 13, 2011.

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    I am running win7x64, Bukkit 1000.

    My permission plugins include:

    My command plugin is:
    Essentials Package

    I have a fair understanding on how to use PermissionBukkit along with SPB.

    I am wondering first, when a person is new to a server, how do I place them in a group automatically (so they can't build and such), the permission group is set as 'probate'.

    Also, how do I have them spawn in a 'newb' area, like a quarantine? I've seen this before. Is it just the /setspawn?
    Also, is it possible to not allow a group to not use items such as, buttons, pressure plates, levers? Namely: Pressure Plates.

    Thanks for any direction or documentation given.
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    Default: true
    Your permissions plugins do have that right?
    This perhaps? You want new players to spawn in a special place? The plugin is inactive, but it still might work.

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    Worldguard, I was just thinking that XD.

    Thanks, again!

    As far as the permissions. I am not sure. I use PermissionBukkit and in the default config.yml it never had a mark up like Default: true. It did have a default named rank, but that didn't seem to hold any bearing other than the name. I may have to look through that thread.
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