Set status to "recording" and block chat

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by OPS, Mar 29, 2015.

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    I would like a plugin where players can use a command to set their status to "recording" when they are making videos on the server. When this status is active, they wont recieve chat messages from other players. A message should also be sent to other players saying "playername is recording, they will not recieve chat messages" or "playername, player2 and player3 is recording, they will not recieve chat messages" if multiple people are recording. This message should also be displayed to anyone who connects to the server while a player has this status active. A similar message should be displayed when they stop recording.

    /recording - A toggle command setting your status to "recording", preventing you from recieving chat messages and notifying others of this

    /recording chat - (bonus feature) Same as above but doesn't disable recieving chat and changes the message sent to other players to "playername is recording"

    Not really required for my circumstances but could be useful for others.

    If anyone does make this I would really appreciate them releasing the source so I can learn from it (I wont rerelease it). However I completely understand if you want to release without.
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