Solved Set list of permissions to player?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Xp10d3, Jan 27, 2020.

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    Hello. I am trying to create a permissions plugin that is a bit like PermissionsEx for someone since I guess they don't want to use Vault or PEX. I was wondering if it is possible to set a player a list of permissions? I followed the Bukkit Wiki by using PermissionAttachment so that it looks like this:
                        PermissionAttachment at = target.addAttachment(core);
                        playerPerms.put(target.getUniqueId(), at);
                        Set<String> keys = core.getConfig().getConfigurationSection(args[2]).getKeys(false);
                        for (String key : keys) {
                            List<String> list = core.getConfig().getStringList(args[2] + key);
                            at.setPermission(list, true);
    So my config looks like this:
      - permission.node
      - permission.node.two
      - permission.node.*
    I want to get the group Owner and then get the list of permissions by looping it. But PermissionAttachment only allows me to set one attachment at a time, so I am wondering whether it's possible to assign permissions another way so that I can assign a list of them? Thanks!
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    @Xp10d3 Just create a loop, like this:
    1. for (String permission : config.getStringList("Owner")) attachment.setPermission(permission, true);
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    Thanks :) Thought that loops were involved xD
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