Set a block on fire?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by petrifiednightmares, Apr 15, 2011.

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  1. How would I set a block on fire? I tried setting the block id of the block above it to 51 (fire) but that didnt work lol.
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    setFireTicks(ticks); where ticks is the duration, dunno the exact unit for that, check the docs.
  3. Hmm, however, setFireTicks is a Entity method, and it wont let me cast block to an entity
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    Is it even possible to set the block on fire ? For instance you can't set rock on fire.
    What block type are you trying to set on fire.
  5. Oh that might be the problem, I am trying to set cobblestone on fire. So yeah, cobblestone isn't flammable, but is it possible to start a temporary fire effect to the block? For instance, I am able to start a temporary flame by using flint and steel on cobblestone. It's ok if it doesn't last more than a couple seconds, that's all I intend.
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    Daniel Heppner

    Change the block above it to fire. That should work, but you might need a way to keep it there, though.
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    Since cobblestone isn't flammable.
  10. Errm. You say it doesn't work to set the block above to fire? Actually, you can..What is your code?
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