Sending Potions via. Packets

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Pink__Slime, May 23, 2013.

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    Hey Bukkit,
    I am working on my kits plugin and I want to give players potion effects but for them not to be able to see what exactly it is.
    This means, they can't see it in their inventory view (and preferably can't see particles).

    If it's any easier, I only need to send Resistance, Swiftness, Haste & Strength.

    I know it requires the use of packets but I've never actually used packets nor have I found any solid information I could use on them.

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  3. if you block the packet of the potion receiving at the players side, he wont know he has a potion and don't apply the effect on client side
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    TheGreenGamerHD ferrybig
    Is there any way of making it seem like the player has the potion? I know with Fire Resistance I can cancel the damage.
    With Resistance I could probably reduce the damage through EntityDamageEvent
    I could probably do strength that same way as well.

    How would I do Swiftness though? Is there a way of changing the player's walking speed?
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    I don't know if reflection works on the Player but you can set other mobs speeds
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    There IS a player.setWalkSpeed() but I don't even know if it works..
    Edit: it does, but it's really weird...will need to do more testing later.
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