Send Rcon Command?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Meatiex, Jul 10, 2014.

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    I host 3 server, I want to have the ranks all the same, sql isn't a option, in-game my admins type /rank player name, I want to send rcon commands to my other 2 servers when my admins set peoples ranks.

    How to I send rcon commands?
    can i send rcon commands to localhost? (
    do i need to open ports to do this?

    Any help is very much appreciated, i wanna get my ranks global :p
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    Dealyise Unofficial builds and offline mode servers are not supported here.
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    Edited it, thanks for the warning.
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    Meatiex you need to enable rcon in the, and need to set a password. Optionally you can also set a port, otherwise it will default to server port + 10. A bit more info on the protocol.
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    Rcon works on all the servers, I can connect with my phone and send commands(different ports for each server)
    I want to send command like i do with my phone with a plugin.
    anyone know how? Help would be great :D

    I found a way to do it with java script, 'll try to convert it...
    From the link above i was able to gather the code below, but it still has tons of errors in it... any help?
    1. Rcon rcon = new Rcon();
    2. rcon.connect("localhost", 25575, "password", connected);
    3. public void connected(String err, String response) {
    4. rcon.sendCommand("op superman", function(err, response));
    5. rcon.end();
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