See if player touches a block

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Waterwolf, Mar 17, 2011.

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    Is there another way to check if player touches a block other than comparing distance? Distance comparing works but isn't perfect.
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    Do you mean if they have waved their hand/tool at it and "hit" it, or if the avatar is touching a particular block?
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    If the avatar is touching a particular block.
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    Edward Hand

    What's wrong with distance measurement?
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    Im making a portal plugin and yes, distance measuring works but it's still not as accurate as I would like it to be because atm you can pretty much run past portal and it teleports you. I guess I can make it work with distance measurement too though.
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    Edward Hand

    Make sure you add 0.5,0.5,0.5 to the x,y,z of the coordinates of the block you're measuring the distance from so that you get the coords of the centre of the block not one corner. It might also be worthwhile measuring the x,y,z distances separately, rather than together, eg:
    if(xDist<0.5 && zDist<0.5)
    instead of
    if(xDist*xDist + zDist*zDist < 0.5*0.5)
    (since you want to test for position in a box not circle/sphere
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