Inactive [SEC] PermissionsPlus v3.2.5p - Alternative commands to modify Permissions in-game now w/MWS [1337]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by DigitalTyrant, Mar 20, 2011.

  1. Offline


    PermissionsPlus - Adds ability to modify Permissions in-game

    Updated: 10/6/2011
    Version: 3.2.5p [jar]
    CraftBukkit: [b1337jnks]
    PermissionsPlus adds commands to allow administrators the ability to modify their Permissions config from within Minecraft client. The most complete Permissions editing plugin for Bukkit. Supports Multi-World. Updated for MultiPlay!​
    REQUIRES: Permissions 3.x - Permissions Thread

    Includes: P2Aliases updated 10/6/2011


    Get updates on TWITTER!

    Installation and Usage information and Permissions nodes
    are available at


    It appears that I am not the only server admin that stuck to Permissions v2.7.4 so, I have released PermissionsPlusLegacy v2.4. It is a RB1000+ compatible version of PermissionsPlus v2.3. You can download this in the change log below.
    • You can specify multiple worlds separated using a comma. Do not use any spaces after the comma.
    • You can specify all worlds using an asterisk.
    • You can specify multiple groups using commas for the /user -addgroup command.
      /user -addgroup u:Username s:Group1,Group2,Group3
    • All Usernames and Groups can be shortened. You will be notified if more than one possible match is found.
      digital = DigitalTyrant, adm = Administrator
    • With 2.x+ you must add the info variable 'rank' to your groups in order to enable promote, demote and some group functions. You can set this variable from within the game using the command:
      /group -setinfo g:GroupName i:rank s:1-100+
                         /rankset GroupName 1-100+ world 
      The higher the number the higher the rank. Make sure you use i:rank and not i:Rank it is case-sensitive.
    • You can now set Promote and Demote limits. The Promote limit is the highest rank they can promote to. Demote limit is the highest limit that they can demote from. You can set these using the commands:
      /group -setinfo g:GroupName i:dlimit s:50
                         /group -setinfo g:GroupName i:plimit s:75 
    If you use want to Permissions + PermissionsPlus while using Essentials plugins, make sure you do not have FakePermissions or EssentialsGroupBridge enabled.

    Not sure how long this will be useful with Bukkit's upcoming Permissions system, but it allows the Moderators of my server to give new members access without having to modify the .yml file directly. I will continue development until the new Bukkit Permissions system has widely replaced Permissions plugin.
    Thanks to Nijikokun, original author of Permissions.

    Thanks and Enjoy!
  2. Offline


    Do you have Permissions installed?

    @General_Nono @winter4w
    Try removing P2Aliases.jar from the plugins folder and see if it is recreated when you restart your server. Also you can use the actual commands:

    /group -setinfo g:Admins i:rank s:99 w:world
    /group -setinfo g:Mods i:rank s:75 w:world
    /group -setinfo g:Member i:rank s:25 w:world
    /group -setinfo g:Guest i:rank s:1 w:world
    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2016
  3. Offline


    I did remove the P2Aliases.jar But it did not make another one
  4. Offline


    is there any possibility of u making it compadible with permissions 2.x (phonix)
  5. Offline


    Yes,you're Right...
  6. Offline


    Can somebody help me please

    When i try /promote it Always says

    Group Warrior does not have a rank defined in World world
    10:22:02 [INFO] [P2] Group Citizen does not have a rank defined in World world
    10:22:02 [INFO] [P2] Group Default does not have a rank defined in World world
    10:22:02 [INFO] [P2] Group Workman does not have a rank defined in World world
    10:22:02 [INFO] [P2] Group King does not have a rank defined in World world
    10:22:02 [INFO] [P2] Group MegaCraftOwner does not have a rank defined in World world
    10:22:02 [INFO] [P2] Some groups do not have a rank defined, some commands are disabled.
    10:22:02 [INFO] [P2] Group Warrior does not have a rank defined in World world_nether
    10:22:02 [INFO] [P2] Group Citizen does not have a rank defined in World world_nether
    10:22:02 [INFO] [P2] Group Default does not have a rank defined in World world_nether
    10:22:02 [INFO] [P2] Group Owner does not have a rank defined in World world_nether
    10:22:02 [INFO] [P2] Group Workman does not have a rank defined in World world_nether
    10:22:02 [INFO] [P2] Group King does not have a rank defined in World world_nether
    10:22:02 [INFO] [P2] Some groups do not have a rank defined, some commands are disabled.

    It does that for all my ranks anyone can help it would be very appreciated!!!!

    Never mind about my post above another post helped me but hen i promote some i set broadcast to true and o ly i get the broadcast

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2016
  7. Offline


    (wall of text deleted)

    well now, im getting this error

    161 recipes
    17 achievements
    23:13:39 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version Beta 1.8.1
    23:13:39 [INFO] Loading properties
    23:13:39 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on *:25565
    23:13:39 [INFO] This server is running Craftbukkit version git-Bukkit-0.0.0-1131
    -g86b7fa8-b1337jnks (MC: 1.8.1)
    23:13:40 [INFO] [Permissions] (Yeti) was initialized.
    23:13:40 [INFO] [Permissions] version [3.1.6] (Yeti) loaded
    23:13:40 [INFO] Preparing level "world"
    23:13:40 [INFO] Default game type: 0
    23:13:40 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 0 (Seed: 5082881204604660801)
    23:13:41 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 85%
    23:13:41 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 1 (Seed: 5181940194358376739)
    23:13:42 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 69%
    23:13:42 [INFO] [Firebug] v1.2 has been enabled.
    23:13:42 [INFO] [Gold Fall] ENABLED!!!!!!!
    23:13:42 [INFO] [Gold Fall] There is a 0% chance of getting a golden apple when
    a leaf is brocken
    23:13:42 [INFO] [iConomy - Celty] Enabled (21 ms)
    23:13:42 [INFO] [MotherNature] Using Permissions version 3.1.6 for permission ha
    23:13:42 [INFO] [MotherNature] Plugin enabled! (version 1.3.2)
    23:13:42 [INFO] [NoExp] V0.3 enabled
    23:13:42 [INFO] NoHunger 1.3: Enabled!
    23:13:43 [INFO] [P2] version 3.2.5p has been enabled.
    23:13:43 [INFO] [P2] Group Member does not have a rank defined in World world
    23:13:43 [INFO] [P2] Group Default does not have a rank defined in World world
    23:13:43 [INFO] [P2] Group admin does not have a rank defined in World world
    23:13:43 [INFO] [P2] Group Moderator does not have a rank defined in World world

    23:13:43 [INFO] [P2] Group Admins does not have a rank defined in World world
    23:13:43 [INFO] [P2] Some groups do not have a rank defined, some commands are d
    23:13:43 [INFO] [P2] Group Member does not have a rank defined in World world_ne
    23:13:43 [INFO] [P2] Group Default does not have a rank defined in World world_n
    23:13:43 [INFO] [P2] Group Moderator does not have a rank defined in World world
    23:13:43 [INFO] [P2] Group Admins does not have a rank defined in World world_ne
    23:13:43 [INFO] [P2] Some groups do not have a rank defined, some commands are d
    23:13:43 [INFO] Found iConomy!
    23:13:43 [INFO] PvPMoney 1.1 is now enabled!
    23:13:43 [INFO] SimpleSpawn is enabled.
    23:13:43 [INFO] [Wrath] Started
    23:13:43 [INFO] [Wrath] Attached to Permissions
    23:13:43 [INFO] [P2Aliases] version 1.4 Enabled.
    23:13:43 [INFO] [ChestShop] Permissions version 3.1.6 loaded.
    23:13:43 [INFO] [ChestShop] version 3.22 initialized!
    23:13:43 [INFO] [ChestShop] iConomy 6 loaded.
    23:13:43 [INFO] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
    23:13:43 [INFO] Done (0.383s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
    23:15:44 [INFO] Unknown command. Type "help" for help.

    I have defined the tracks in groups. what is going on here?

    Sorry for the huge spam post above, but i need help with it

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2016
  8. Since I was neglected:

    I installed Plus and it works but i have a "problem". I also have HeroChat installed. When i add someone to a group in game they retain their old status until i delete them from all other groups. It's a pain, is this supposed to be the norm?​
  9. Offline


    Yea I figured it out thanks for the help, also a lot of people wont be able to see the commands you posted because it bends in with the background.
  10. Offline


    /groupset and /rankset aren't working.
    It didn't install p2aliases. I thought it was included? You should of just had them seperately in a zip or something.
    Please fix this soon!!!!!
  11. Offline


    I have not done any testing with HeroChat so I am not sure what effects it could have on this plugin. I will do some testing and see if I can resolve this.

    P2aliases should be automatically installed when you run a server and a version of PermissionsPlus that includes it. If p2aliases is not loading properly, I would check your plugins folder to see if the p2aliases.jar was created. If it was not, what version of Bukkit are you running and with what version of P+?

    What command are you trying to run when it says unknown command? Tracks are different than ranks. If you are using tracks then I recommend using the commands that are built into Permissions to do your promoting and demoting as necessary. If you want to use the /promote and /demote commands within PermissionsPlus, you have to define a numerical rank for each group. Ranks are described at

    PermissionsPlus v2.3 is available at and it works with Permissions 2.x

    What version of Permissions do you have installed? What version of PermissionsPlus are you using?

    It appears that I am not the only server admin that stuck to Permissions v2.7.4 so, I have released PermissionsPlusLegacy v2.4. It is a RB1000+ compatible version of PermissionsPlus v2.3. You can download this in the change log above in the OP.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2016
  12. Offline


    Could you make this support PermissionsEx somehow? or other permissions plugins. Cause permissions2/3x is outdated and removed from plugin list etc..
  13. Offline


    lovely! thank you for this plugin!
  14. Offline


    PEX has built-in commands for modifying their permissions. I may modify to support the Bukkit permissions, not sure yet. I still use Permissions 2.7.4 which has been inactive for a while so I assume there are a few others that are sticking to Permissions even though it has been moved to inactive. We'll see which direction I feel compelled to take. Currently my focus is on myBukkitAdmin and I just keep this up to date for existing admins that use this plugin.
  15. Offline


    Bukkit 1337, and the latest P+
    I'm sure P2aliases would still work for 1337, but I don't think P+ can make p2aliases in 1337.
    I am assuming this because, P2aliases from 733 worked in 1000-1080.
  16. Offline


    I will do some more testing with p2aliases and see what I can find.
  17. Offline


    Ok,now /groupset and /rankset works for me and all groups had ranks,but when I test it and make me to an Moderator, I can make myself an Admin...what I've made wrong? Please help me, this is my Permission group file:

    default: true
    prefix: '&2'
    suffix: ''
    build: false
    rank: 1
    default: false
    prefix: '&1'
    suffix: ''
    build: true
    rank: 87
    dlimit: 1
    plimit: 10
    - Default
    - p2.user.setgroup
    default: false
    prefix: '&4'
    suffix: ''
    build: true
    rank: 99
    - '*'

    Please help me and say,what is wrong.
  18. Offline


    Nevermind, ive got it fixed up now.
  19. Offline


    If you are an Op, you will be able to make yourself a part of any group or promote yourself to any rank. Users that are not ops will not be able to do this.
  20. Offline


    Now I had my mistake! I see that I must use the /promote /demote commands. Now it works perfectly!-Thank you for this great Plugin.
    Idea: Is it possible that the /groupset command is working with the ranks?-That could be nice.

    I had a bug:
    When I promote someon or set someon to a group,after a few minutes,he will be set to his old group!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2016
  21. Offline


    When this happens, what does the YML show for their group?
  22. Offline


    They login and are a Gast, then I promote them to a Spieler, and after a few new logins,they are a Gast. The user.yml shows at first the group Gast, then after the Promote the group Spieler,and then after a fwe logins it shows the group Gast.
    What is wrong? The Plugin or me? Had I set the promote and demote Limit wrong(for Gast and Spieler it don't exist a demote&Promote Limit,only for Mods+Admins)?

    A new strange thing: Today it joined a new Player and his first group was Default...our first group normaly is Gast.
    Please help me. Before I update this Plugin and set the ranks and promote+demote Limits it works.
  23. Offline


    I extracted P2aliases from Permissions Plus a few minutes after posting that it was most likely compatible with bukkit 1337, and as I thought, it was.

    Bukkit 1337 can't create P2aliases from the P+ jar. I had to do it on another server on my desktop.
    ( I run my server off of a host. )
  24. Offline


    Ah, k. I will look into why it won't create it and modify accordingly. Thanks for the troubleshooting.

    Are you using GlobalGroups and GlobalUsers or the world/users and world/groups YML files? Can you post them to pastebin and send me the links please

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2016
  25. Offline


    What are the permissions for this plugin?
  26. Offline


    Permissions nodes are available at
  27. Offline


    I use the world/user world/user YML files, I send it to you per Conversation.
  28. Offline


    Thanks I will look them over and respond there
  29. Offline


    Their is a problem with console spamming.. I cant tell if its a part of Permissions 3.x or PermissionsPlus

    Log (open)
    2011-11-07 14:10:30 [INFO] /pr | Displays Permissions Info [0m

    2011-11-07 14:10:30 [INFO] /pr -reload | Reloads the default world [0m

    2011-11-07 14:10:30 [INFO] /pr -reload all | Reloads all worlds [0m

    2011-11-07 14:10:30 [INFO] /pr -reload [world] | Reloads [world] [0m

    2011-11-07 14:10:30 [INFO] /pr (g:)<target> (w:<targetworld>) (action) (actionparams) | Directs (action) on specified group/user. [0m

    2011-11-07 14:10:30 [INFO] [31m[Permissions] No world specified. Defaulting to default world. [0m

    2011-11-07 14:10:30 [INFO] [37m[Permissions] Syntax: /permissions <target> (w:<world>) [promote|demote] (t:<track>) (<parent>) (w:<parentworld>) [0m

    2011-11-07 14:10:30 [INFO] [36m/permissions [32m(g:)<target> (w:<world>) [perms|parents] [list|add|remove] ... [0m

    2011-11-07 14:10:30 [INFO] [36m/permissions [32m(g:)<target> (w:<world>) info [get|set|remove] ... [0m
  30. Offline


    The output you posted is relative to Permissions, though I'm not sure why it would spit out all that info.
  31. Offline


    Man i'm kinda newbie, and i have no idea of how to create groups!
    When i use the /user -setgroup or -addgroup command, it says that the group doesn't exist, how do i create the groups and how do i choose the permissions that i want to give to them? :'(

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