Saving Entities (Such as explosions)

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by ohtwo, Feb 7, 2013.

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    Is there a way to store references to entities such as explosions that are created by using the method createExplosion()? I want to be able to store this into an ArrayList and when EntityDeathEvent triggers, check the ArrayList to see if that explosion was registered (and to whom) and credit the player who last damaged the player that died.
  2. Offline


    Uhh.. Pretty sure an explosion isn't an entity..
  3. Offline


    Whoops. I guess I meant to connect this. I have an arrow that explodes when it hits a target. When it hits a block, I'd like to register the explosion it makes so if a player dies from the explosion (note: not the arrow), the player who shot the arrow gets credited.
  4. Offline


    Get the location the arrow landed, based on power of the explosion, get how far it spread. If the player died in that zone, due to explosion, get shooter of arrow and set as killer.
  5. Offline


    Ah that's smart. Thanks.
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