Safety Blanket V1.0

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Feenix, Jun 6, 2012.



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    == What is Safety Blanket ==

    It's a plugin that prevents people who aren't supposed to become op. and it bans them instantly when they hack your server, like for example if either by accident or on purpose you left online mode to off so that you could have someone like a friend who has a modded version of minecraft log on your server. But during that time, someone hacked your account, and made them self OP and griefed everything, or even if they didn't but you want to make sure it doesn't happen to you, the way it happened to me.

    == How To Set It Up ==

    well this plug in is for you, load this plug in your 1.2.5 bukkit server, once it has created it's config file. restart your server, and enter your name in the op list.
    Your config file should look like this:(Uppercase Sensitive) Altho if you download the config file it should be alright
    <-----Start Of File------>
    Message: '&6[&cSecurityBlanket&6] &cThat player was not on the SafetyBlanket account list!'
    - TheRealFeenix
    <-----End Of File------->

    This is a copy my file. you can change the message if you wish also.
    remember to make the op section exactly the way it looks here.

    == How It works ==

    here's what this plugin does. if someone, anyone tries to make them self op but aren't on that list, this plugin will ban their ip instantly, also it will ban you (whoever entered the command), for security purposes. so if i type /op someonewhoisnotop. then someonewhoisnotop will be banned and me also in case my account is under control by someone else.

    == How Safe Is It? ==

    There isn't any commands to control that plugin in the game, that is made so plp can't check or can't turn off this plugin and use that as a back door. From what the developper told me you can always op someone from the console without having to put their name in the whitelist in the config.
    But im unsure if that is bug free as i didn't test that portion of the plugin. Since it's fresh out of the box so it might have some bugs, if so tell me asap. Altho it run fine on my own server, i can tell u the url if u want to test it out first, without any issues. I must confest im not the developper for this but he did give me permission to post this, and told me anytime there is an issue i can ask him for fixes
    == Download==
    == What To Come?==

    Well, once we take the bugs out of it, i will be releasing a newer version which allows permissions. so someone who doesn't have the permission to become OP, let's say a new spawner, and he types /op his name. instead of being banned, he will get a message saying he doesn't have permission to do /op.
    but if he hacks my account and does /op hisname me and him will be banned.

    === Video? ===

    Also if you guys would like to see of the plugin in action, i can record one and post your votes above
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    Also this is pointless when they try and op someone and it doesn't work they just use the hacked account to grief if they don't if the first place.
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    it's not pointless at least not as far as i saw. in my console i had proof that in order to grief me they had to get OP first. i don't know if they coul've done the same thing without OP but i know they got it. and that's what this plug in is about. To create a whitelist for who has OP. it can also be usefull if you have to give someone who you don't fully trust for whatever reason, and want to make sure he's not gonna op a friend while he's op for later.

    Edit: Video Coming Up Soon
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    You're not using the right format.
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    Nice, but please include a changelog + format your title accordingly.
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    Please read the submission guidelines and format your thread as such.

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