Rust building plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Gosintary, Aug 3, 2018.

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    Hey Bukkit! I need a plugin!

    I need a plugin that simulates building in rust!

    Well, how do you build in rust?

    Like this!

    Instead of being able to build any direction you should only be able to build in the four main directions (north, west, south, and east.)

    The "building menu" should be a mode. When players do /build they get access to 6 building items.

    The inventory should contain a block of wood, that loads the schematic "wall", a door, that loads the schematic "door" a glass block that loads the schematic "window" a wooden plank that loads the schematic "stair" a wooden slab that loads the schematic "floor" and a pressure plate that loads the schematic "roof" &4&l.

    Each inventory item should be named the item it places, (floor, wall, door, etc)
    The color codes on that should be

    Each building item should use some resources to build it.
    To place the item players MUST have this in their inventory and it will be removed on place.

    Wall: 9x wood planks

    Door: 7x wood planks, 1x oak wood door.

    Window: 8x wood planks, 1x glass block

    Stairs: 3x oak stairs.

    Floor: 9x wood planks

    Roof: 9x wood planks.

    Players with the permission build.nocost will not be required to have these items.

    If players don't have enough items send in chat "&c&lI need more resources for that..."

    I will use world edits schematics system, but I need to rotate each schematic to be facing the same direction as the player when it is loaded. It might help you could do something with //rotate, I will create them all facing north.

    I don't need the transparent preview, though it would look dope.

    **When players do /build, it should save their current inventory, clear it, load in the building inventory, and then whey they do it again, clear their inventory and load their original inventory. (This should keep all the items in the player's inventory.)

    Commands: /build

    Permissions: build.use, build.nocost

    Last edited: Aug 3, 2018
  2. Would something like this work for you?
  3. Offline


    If that had the option to be placed an unlimited amount of times that would work yes.
  4. @Gosintary I found the source code to that plugin here, someone just has to be willing to edit it to your requiments and compile it, that will be easier and will take less-effort than a crate a plugin like this from scratch.
  5. Offline


    Ok, thanks! Ill look into it!
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