Runes - Item based teleportation

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Alanthya, Sep 10, 2013.

  1. Offline


    What I'd like to see: A plugin that allows you to craft "Runes" from Emeralds (Configurable item) These Runes can be linked to a location in any of the maps on your server. Players can use the Rune by right-clicking, each use will charge XP points (Configurable to item consumption, or cost per use?) and the player will be teleported to the location the Rune has been linked to.

    Runes should be craftable by placing X amount of emeralds (or configurable item) on a crafting table with the craft output being a blank rune. Once a player has crafted a blank rune, hold the rune, then right-click? (Or execute command /linkrune <RuneName>) to link the players current co-ordinate data to the rune. This should add a meta-tag to the rune containing Rune Name/and maybe Rune creators name. Possibly need a way to block creating runes with duplicate names so someone can't craft a Rune with the same name as someone elses and use it to warp to their link location, but need to be able to duplicate runes. Is this possible?

    To use a linked rune, place the rune in your item bar, and right click to teleport to the linked co-ordinate. Upon right clicking, players will receive the message "Initating rune teleportation in <X> seconds, do not move. (Upon successful teleport) You have used <X> XP to teleport" This is to prevent players from using runes to escape pvp, rune teleportation should be canceled on movement/damage. This function may be overlooked if players can set up warmups with booscooldowns or other command timing plugin.

    /runes link - Links a blank Rune to players current location.
    /runes info - Displays owner and Rune co-ordinate data.
    /runes dupe - Duplicates currently held Rune.
    /runes reload - Reloads Runes plugin.

    runes.craft - Allows user to craft blank Runes.
    runes.use - Allows user to teleport with Runes. - Allows user to view Rune info.
    runes.dupe - Allows duplication of currently held rune.
    runes.noxp - Allows user to teleport without using XP.
    runes.admin - Allows access to /runes reload

    When I'd like this plugin by;
    Whenever :p

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