[RPG/FUN] RedLung v0.3 - Get radiation sickness from redstone mining [1060]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by JMaasing, Aug 22, 2011.

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    RedLung - Mining redstone is dangerous
    version 0.3
    Mining redstone is dangerous!
    When mining redstone there is a chance that you get radiation poisoning. The radiation is cumulative, the more radiation you accumulate the sicker you get and start taking damage.

    Do not fear however, eating fish is healthy, cooked fish is even more healthy and will cure you from radiation sickness. Even better is wearing a gold chestplate when mining redstone, it effectively blocks all radiation.

    Download: http://redlung.googlecode.com/files/RedLung-0.3.jar
    Wiki/Issue tracker and source code : http://code.google.com/p/redlung/

    This plug in was inspired by BlackLung http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/in...-dangerous-explosions-fires-gases-1060.27137/


    /rl list Will show you your current dosage. It goes between 0 healthy to 16 very sick.
    /rl setlevel <level>[player] Will set the dosage of the given player (or yourself if the player name is left out).

    This plugin uses bukkit permissions system.
    redlung.*: - Gives access to all RedLung commands
    redlung.list - Access to the list command. default: true
    redlung.setlevel: Access to the setlevel command. Default: op

    Known bugs
    Currently no known but then it hasn't been tested enough with many players.

    Version 0.3
    • Changed command name to 'rl' with aliases 'redl' and 'redlung'
    • Changed java package name

    Version 0.2
    • Fixed the "get cured even though you didn't eat the fish when clicking on a chest or a door"-bug.
    • Stopped spamming the server log.

    Version 0.1
    First release, bug reports/feature requests welcome! Either here on the issue tracker at http://code.google.com/p/redlung/issues/list
    Orcem12 likes this.
  2. Offline


    Interesting, yet original idea. I get all excited when it comes to Nuclear radiation. :)

    "don't tell anyone but if you right click with a fish on a door or a chest you get cured but can keep the fish!"

    You are such a troll xD And for that now my best friend xD
  3. Offline


    Thanks, this is my first plugin and probably crazy full of bugs, but I wanted to release early because who isn't excited about Nuclear radiation :)
  4. Offline


    Exactly. :D
  5. Offline


    Great idea my man! [pig]
  6. Offline


    Can I ask why you have bukkit in your main?
  7. Offline


    No reason other than that is how I usually name my java-classes. When I do swing stuff the package name is nu.zoom.swing.foo and so on. Is it frowned upon to use bukkit as part of the package name?
  8. Offline


    It is actually against the rules so I think you better change it.
  9. Offline


    Oh, I did not see that in the submission guidelines. My bad. I will change it. Thanks for the tip!

    I think you are referring to this thread: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/on-namespaces-please-do-not-use-bukkit-in-your-plugins.3732/

    So my package name is actually perfectly OK since it is under my own domain (and also follows the standard java practice). But I'll change the package name anyway to avoid confusion :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  10. Offline


    I think you might have miss read it, it says unless you own the domain name not own a domain name I don't think you own bukkit :)
  11. Offline


    Of course not :) But I have control of zoom.nu, so actually I do control the domain name bukkit.zoom.nu and my main does say: nu.zoom.bukkit....

    This is what dinnerbone wrote on the thread:

    "That's fine, it's on matejdro's domain and thus entirely up to him. I myself store bukkit related projects on com.dinnerbone.bukkit.*.

    First level = a TLD
    Second level = anything but bukkit :p
    Third-nth = anything"

    So no, I'm pretty sure I read it right ;)
    But still, better to avoid the confusion and use some other package name.
  12. Offline


    You sir, are a troll. Anyways, nice plugin!
  13. Offline


    I didn't mean to start a needless argument. I think what dinnerbone writes makes sense so I was trying to understand in what way I misread.

    But anyway, v0.3 is out and has another package name so now there is no problem anymore, thanks to #thehutch for pointing it out :)
  14. Offline


    Yes, I understand perfectly. Oh, you use @ instead of # to tag a person. :)
  15. Offline


    Approved, but please look to the future: BukkitDev.

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