[RP] RudelTools v0.9 Break your blocks only with tools [1.5.1-R0.1]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Rudellandy, Jul 28, 2012.

  1. [​IMG]
    Break your blocks only with tools
    Version: v0.9.1

    This plugin disallow to break blocks by using hand. You need tools to break them (example: for sand you need shovel)

    • Allows attack mobs and players only with sword and axe
    • Blocks like Sand, Dirt and Gravel can be broken only by using Shovel
    • Blocks like Stone, Bricks and Furnance can be broken only by using Pickaxe
    • Blocks like Wood, Wooden Planks and Wooden Stairs can be broken only by using Axe
    • Wheat, Flowers, Grass and Mushrooms can be collected only with Hoe (Hoe is takeing damage while is in use)
    • New players are receiving an item (configurable in config.yml file)

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    Available languages:
    English: en_US
    Polish: pl_PL
    French: fr_FR - by Youckie (Yocks)
    After change language remember to delete language.yml file in RudelTools folder
    If you want to translate this plugin to your language
    send me email to: [email protected]

    Amount of starter item will be in one hand (example: 5 axes in one hand)

    PICKAXE - need pickaxe to destroy block
    STONE_PICKAXE - need stone pickaxe or better to destroy block
    IRON_PICKAXE - need iron pickaxe or better to destroy block
    DIAMOND_PICKAXE - need diamond pickaxe or better to destroy block
    AXE - need axe to destroy block
    SHOVEL - need shovel to destroy block
    HOE - need hoe to destroy block
    NONE - block can be broken without tools
    All tool names must be uppercase letters
    Don't left blocks without value because YAML Parser is takeing it like section and console will get errors.

    If damage value is set to 0 it will take default value of damage. If -1 then damage is cancelled (2 dmg = 1 heart).
    Skeleton, Ghast, Blaze and Wither are not dealing damage. Arrows, Ghast Fireballs (Fireball), Blaze Fireballs (Small Fireball / Fire Charge) and Wither Skull are doing this
    You can set that mobs can be hit without weapon by setting it "ANY: true"

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    • /rtools help - shows help
    • /rtools damage entity set <entity> <damage> - set damage of entity
    • /rtools damage weapon set <weapon> <damage> - set damage of weapon
    • /rtools block set <block> <tool> - set tool that can be used to break block
    • /rtools mob set <mob> <weapon> <true/false> - set that mob can be attacked with weapon
    • /rtools item add <itemlist> <item> <item> <item>... - add a item list with this items or add items to existing itemlist
    • /rtools msg set <itemlist> <message> - set a message for item list

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    • rudeltools.break.shovel - allows to break blocks with shovel
    • rudeltools.break.pickaxe - allows to break blocks with pickaxe
    • rudeltools.break.axe - allows to break blocks with axe
    • rudeltools.break.hoe - allows to break blocks with hoe
    • rudeltools.break.none - allows to break blocks without tools
    • rudeltools.break.* - allows to break blocks with tools
    • rudeltools.damage.dealt - allows to dealt damage without weapon
    • rudeltools.commands.help - allows to use /rtools help
    • rudeltools.commands.damage - allows to use /rtools damage...
    • rudeltools.commands.block - allows to use /rtools block...
    • rudeltools.commands.mob - allows to use /rtools mob...
    • rudeltools.commands.item - allows to use /rtools item...
    • rudeltools.commands.msg - allows to use /rtools msg...
    • rudeltools.commands.* - allows to use all RudelTools commands
    • rudeltools.* - allows to break blocks without tools and dealt damage without weapon

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    Version 0.9.1
    • Fixed bug with some indestructible tools and weapons
    • Changed permission about dealing damage (now you need permission rudeltools.damage.dealt to use plugin damage)
    Version 0.9
    • Builded for DB 1.5.1-R0.1
    • Added customizable item lists (now you can specify which items you need to break)
    • Added some new commands (/rtools item add <itemlist> <item> <item> <item>..., /rtools msg set <itemlist> <message>)
    • Now config file includes item on respawn and on first login
    • Permission has bees changed (now if you dont have permission you cant break blocks, if you have permission rudeltools.break.none you can break all blocks without tools - rudeltools.break.* and others doesn't include rudeltools.break.none!)
    • Now you can have your permissions (ex. if you created new itemlist named "QWERTY" and some block is using this itemlist permission to break blocks with tools in list is rudeltools.break.qwerty)
    • Now if item isn't in config file console will not get error only warning with short message (Block type <block> is not specified in config file! Please fix it.)
    Version 0.8
    • Builded for CB 1.4.6-R0.1
    Version 0.7
    • Added commands that allow to modify config.yml (damage of entities/mobs, mobs that can be attacked by weapons, etc). For more info use /rtools help
    • Now you can set damage of entities (arrows, zombies, snowballs, etc)
    Version 0.6
    • Added permissions
    • Attacked mobs are now customizable with which weapon they can take damage
    • Damage from weapons are now customizable
    • Builded for CB 1.3.2-R1.0
    Version 0.5
    • Added customizable starter item and amount of it
    • Added French language
    • Language is now changing by file (not permanently in .jar) so everyone can customize language.yml file to his language
    Version 0.4
    • Added configurable blocks
    Version 0.3
    • Builded for CB 1.3.1-R1.0
    • Axe has now (x 2 - 1) damage (because for axe you need one more stick and one more mineral)
    Version 0.2
    • New players now are receiveing Wooden Axe
    • No more need to download 2 different jars for other language (can be changed in config.yml file)
    Version 0.1
    • Releasing my awesome plugin

    If you have any suggestions or want to translate my plugin to your language you can send to me email: [email protected]

    If you want to motivate me to write more plugins​
    and more updates with features please click button below.​
  2. Offline


    "Block like wood, wooden planks, wooden stairs etc can be broken only by using axe."​
    How are players supposed to get wood/wooden planks to make pickaxes and other tools, when they start off with nothing (most servers)?​
    vetyst and tsuna25 like this.
  3. I'm working about add to new players wooden axe. At this time only op can give it them.
  4. Well even if they start of with a wooden axe, they still will have issues after its broken and don't have any materials to create a new axe.
    i suggest a axe is not for the 1x1 trees.
    Jozeth likes this.
  5. Offline


    Lol Jozeth took the words right out of me.
    Jozeth likes this.
  6. Offline


  7. So thats why they recieve wooden axe and this plugin is RP. If you wont take wood you will not survive.
  8. Offline


  9. Offline


    Cool for RPG servers. Thanks. I'll post any problems if I see any.

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