reward for facebook like ?

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by GerCraft, Jul 17, 2013.

  1. Offline


    is there a plugin for "like our FB site and get a reward" ?

    it would be very nice if someone could make a plugin for it.
  2. Offline


    Im Not That Good Of A Coder, but im pretty sure this is impossible :)
  3. Offline


    You could reward players for clicking the link, but this doesn't mean they'll actually like it...
  4. Offline


    This is not impossible, and we can even make sure that they like it.

    I will try and do this for you. I had a similar idea today.
    Fire_Feather and jflory7 like this.
  5. Offline


    I would love to stay updated on the progress of this idea as well. It would be a huge benefit to have on my server.
  6. Offline


    It is done!

    You can download it right here: <link outdated, go to the bukkit dev page to get the new one>


    Tells the user to vote, and where they can vote

    It should work as long as you use it right.
    Start by putting it in your plugins folder, then run the server. Once it runs, you can stop the server to avoid the error that comes up because the link in the config isn't real (yet).

    Now go look at the configuration, it's in the (bLikify directory that you can now find in the plugins folder).
    You should see a few parts

    url: <url>
    name: <name>
    - say %p has just voted at our facebook page!
    - say They received a great reward, and you could too!
    - say Simply type &a/vote
    thoseWhoHaveLiked: []

    Navigate to your facebook page and copy the url, then paste it in the url field of the configuration.
    Take a look at that url, does it have a
    If it has the word pages in the url, it matters what you put as the name field. If the word "pages" does not appear in the url, you can probably simply put your server name in the name field.
    If it does have the word "pages", check the word that comes after pages, but before the numbers.
    That word ("Bobservers" in this case) is what you put in the name field.
    On to the commands!
    The command portion is rather simple.
    Each line is a command, as long as it starts with a "-" and then a space
    Note: The starting "/" is not needed.
    This means that commands like /say, will be represented by "- say" in the code, while //set will be represented by "- /brush"
    The %p will be replaced by the player's name when the command is ran.
    You will not need to edit "thoseWhoHaveLiked"
    Keep in mind, this plugin is not perfect. Due to the way facebook functions, it cannot stop your members from unliking your page, and it will not undo the commands that were done.
    In addition, remember that because of the same ways that facebook works, only one user can use the command at a time.
    If you have any questions feel free to message me!
    jflory7 likes this.
  7. Offline


    Thanks for coding this! However, I had loaded it onto my private server to test it, and I can't get the /like command to show the right information. It still shows the <YOURPAGEHERE> for the Facebook URL. In addition to this, I get huge errors in console, as you can see here. The errors just keep generating even past what you see in my paste.
  8. Offline


    it's because you have to configure it like I said in my post. Can you reply to this with what the config.yml says?
  9. Offline


    I would highly suggest you post this plugin on the Bukkit Dev
    jflory7 and C0LD_K453 like this.
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