Restrict some special items

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Dropix, Feb 2, 2018.

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  1. Plugin category: RPG

    Minecraft version: 1.11.2

    Suggested name: KitRestriction

    What I want:
    I need a plugin, which could create kits and "deliver their permission".

    Ex: Someone gets the Kit "Archer". So he should be able to only wear Leather or Chain Armor (so another armors like diamond, etc. should get blocked for him). Or the "Knight" Kit should not be able to use a bow, for example.

    Ideas for commands:
    /Rkit <Kitname> <Player>
    [It should give a player the kit restriction]

    /Rkit remove <Kitname> <Player>
    [This should remove the kit restriction from a player, not this kit itself!]

    /Rkit reload
    [for reloading the config]

    So I should be able to create kits in the config, to load them ingame.
    Here an example, how the config could prob. looks like:

      Kitname: <Name of this kit>
      - <Item ID>
      - <Item ID>
      - ...
      - <Kind of damage> <Multiplier>
    The "Restriction" should list all these items, which should be "banned" from this kit (the player should not be able to use these).
    Damage modifiers would be really nice, but it can be optional.

    When I'd like it by: Asap

    I would be really thanksful, if someone could make it :)
  2. Offline


    Why don't you make it a permission? For example, Kits.deny.Diamond_helmet, and the player won't be able to put on the diamond helmet, when he is a knight
  3. Thanks for the reply,

    And how should I exactly do it? ^^'
    my permission.yml is just empty and I never dealt really with permissions

    Edit: Sorry my bad. Didnt thought about this. Anyways, could someone tell me, how to get permissions like this or could someone do it? Would be really nice:)
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2018
  4. Offline


    If you have GroupManager, or any permissions plugin, just create the different rank, for instance, create a new rank called archer, and add the permission: "kits.use.bow", and in the plugin it will check if he has the permission, and allow him to run the action.
  5. Yes, I could test this soon, but this means I have to prevent for other Groups (Knight, etc.) to use the Bows there too. Isnt it 'allowed' to use a bow as default too?

    I tried this one you written before "kits.deny.diamond_helmet" and this one doesnt seems to work. I gave someone this permission and he was still able to put it on
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