Requests for costum ranking systeem

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by akanostress, May 30, 2015.

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    I wanna ask off someone can make a plugin for my bending server,
    i want i work it like this:

    you play 5 placement games to get in a league in the server the league's gone be like:

    if you win 1 and lose 4 for you gone placed in wood division, you get the wood division prefix


    if you win 2 and lose 3 you gone placed in stone division, you get the stone division prefix


    if you win 3 and lose 2 you gone be placed in glowstone division, you get the glowstone division prefix


    if you win 4 and lose 1 you gone be placed in redstone division, when you have redstone division rank ou get fly and other cool commands.


    how it needs to work:
    i want to have my server based on this plugin in so whenever you do /join you get in the que fot a ranked game.
    i wanna have a command that i can make the arena's it's gone be 1v1 matches. whenever you played your placement matches you get DP (division-points) when you have 20 DP you get a promotion game to the next division. you need to win 2 out the 3 games for protomotion the diamond division is the last division you get createive gamemode when you have it and you can get ultimated DP.

    what i wanna know: can someone make this.
  2. Offline


    You can use permissions Ex and for permission groups. Have a command block place then in groups.
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