[Request] Very Simple Hunger Games Arena Plugin

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by hawkfalcon, Mar 22, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: Fun

    Suggested name: SimpleHungerArena

    A bit about me: I'm a minecraft player with a server who would like to make a hunger games arena, but have it be extremely simple.

    What I want:
    1. Op sets spawn points (2-25).
    2. Players join player list with /sha join

    3. Op starts the game with a command /sha start.
    4. Players get warped to the spawn points (1 player each point).
    5. Deaths in the arena get announced with a boom and a message, e.g. "Tribute %player killed tribute %player with a %weapon! There are now # tributes left in the arena." And if they are not killed by another player, "%player forgot to watch out for traps. There are now # tributes left in the arena."
    -- note: when a player dies, they will be removed from the player list, and remaining amount of players on list = #
    5. If someone leaves game, they are removed from player list.
    6. The last person standing is announced winner.

    Ideas for commands: /sha join, /sha start

    Ideas for permissions: This should be a default:true permission player.canread and set it to false if they can't read this post.

    When I'd like it by: ASAP Please like next weekend:)

    Similar plugin requests: None.

    Devs who might be interested in this: No idea

    Thank you:)

    Anybody? This should be simple.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
  2. Offline


    Do u want players to be able to tp out of the arena?
  3. Offline


    No, they shouldn't be able to use any commands. :)
  4. Offline


    Bump, I would like it too. Hosting MCHG Event.
  5. Offline


    Do you want the arena to be like a set area, or just a spawnpoint, and you build the arean :p.
  6. Offline


    Spawnpoint for me... Have them tp to iron blocks
  7. Offline


    Just spawn points
  8. Offline


  9. Offline


    Not really. He is going waay to complex i would like to keep it simple.:)
  10. Offline


    Anyone willing to do this?;0
  11. Offline


    That plugin he linked seems perfect ... in fact i will probably use it now.
  12. Offline


    It looks promising, but it does not have all the features that i need.
  13. Offline


    Yiu could do a lever that pushes te tributes up from their spawn point... I could do the plugin except for the different spawn points
  14. Offline


    Okay is anyone interested please? ;/
  15. Offline


    You know much Java? All you really need is onCommand() with the two commands in it, do args and then have them add the player to an ArrayList, then you would have a onPlayerDeath(PlayerDeathEvent event) where they would get removed from the ArrayList. You would also do the previous for onPlayerQuit(PlayerQuitEvent event)

    I'm not too advanced so I don't know how to code the different spawn points but other than that top of this post is all you need.

    What color do you want the death message?

    K, Working on it right now, I currently have the commands for joining, teleporting players to beginning locations (with correct perm) Death upon quitting and message announcing player deaths! Will continue work on this and tell you when it's ready!

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
  16. Offline


    YAY thanks! If you decide to pm that person, pm me too!
    I'm really excited for this and I'm starting to learn java... All I know is that HelloWorld thing XD, but im learnin!
  17. Offline


    Do you want the players to die upon leaving or just get removed off the list?

    Almost done with this plugin! Need a few more tests and configuration if you want the option! Will send for the final test!

    Just watch this thread and I will update you on things

    Will hopefully be ready tomorrow!

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
  18. Offline


    Hey I have some more suggestions. Look here.
  19. Offline


    Could I suggest only announcing the dead players during night or does that take the 'simple' out of it?
  20. Offline


    I might be able to do that

    You're going to have to tell me, it won't let me open that page

    Just tell me the features you want, I found the post, I'm not going to be able to do all that...

    K, currently have the plugin doing this:
    - Players are teleported to spawn upon logging in
    - They join with /ha join
    - A message appears on death saying "**BOOM** Tribute <Deadguy> was killed by <Killer> with a(n) <Weapon>!"
    - Then it says how many tributes are left
    - Admin will teleport players to their start point by typing /startpoint [Playername] (this will teleport the player to your location) (Must have permission ha.teleport)
    - If there is one tribute left it will announce that they are the winner and will give them 10 diamond
    - When a player quits they will be removed from the game.

    Anything else you want? I might add configuration if you guys want it!

    oh, and the admin would also have to rig a piston elevator thing so they are down in their tubes then the admin flips a switch and it pushes them to the surface

    K, Trying to rig a setup where the op only has to type /ha Start but it's having problems!

    K, I think it's ready! Test it for me! http://dl.dropbox.com/u/37771664/HungerArena.jar Let me know if anything is missing/don't need!

    commands are
    /ha join - puts you in the game
    /startpoint [player] - teleports that player to your exact location and freezes them
    /ha start - releases all players

    Just feel free to test every nook and cranny!

    It should do the following:
    - join with /ha join
    - teleport with /startpoint [playername]
    - let everyone go with /ha start
    - Broadcast a message upon player death saying that they were killed by other player with weapon
    - Broadcast a message saying that the winner is the victor of the hunger games
    - Give the Victor 10 diamond
    - Remove players from the playing list when they disconnect
    - teleports players to spawn upon logging in

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
  21. Offline


    o.o this works, but is there a way that you can make it so everyone can be anywhere until /ha start, and then they are warped to 20+ set start points? Instead of having to move 20 people one at a time?
  22. Offline


    That makes it a little more complicated... I would have to make it store the location for each player... I think what we have here is good enough. I mean, you are going to have to set where each player would be anyway, wether it be where they are stuck until everyone is in or have you type a command and they are all warped there. So it's the same amount of steps just players will have to be waiting until all others are in the game.

    K, I'm trying to figure it out

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
  23. Offline


    Why would it need to store the locations of each player? How about when someone says /ha join, it adds their name to a list. Then when /ha start is said, it warps everyone on the list to a bunch of spawn points.

    xD seems pretty simple to me

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
  24. Offline


    Maybe... Would still have to store warp points, you would have to set the place for each spawn point and then I'm not sure how I would code the rest, I guess I would fetch the data from the config and then it would warp them. Don't know, I'll figure something out.

    The concept is simple, the coding not so much.

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
  25. Offline


    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
  26. Offline


    ... Don't really know how they do it, plus they have different APIs in the plugin itself.
  27. Offline


    If you could make it that the winner gets an iconomy reward that would be great, permissions support would be awsome as well.
  28. Offline


    How much would 10 diamonds sell in iConomy in your server, you could always have them cash it in for a money reward.
  29. Offline


    true, but how i was planning it was that every faction pays x amount of money to enter, the winner gets the pot.
  30. Offline


    K, I don't know the iConomy API well... So I don't know I could implement that...

    Having a few problems with that code...

    nvm I am getting it to work now, just have to set up all 24 tributes

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016

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