[Request] Player Launcher

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by GregMC, Oct 14, 2013.

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    Plugin category : Misc.

    Suggested name : PlayerLauncher

    What I want : A feature that launches the player (with commands) while standing on a beacon block, launching them to a random place or launching the player to a certain location (Using [x], [y], [z]). After they type in the command, they will be launched and they get Resistance for 5 seconds.

    Ideas for commands :

    - /launch random ; /launch r ; /l random ; /l r
    (Launches the player to a random location.)

    - /launch aim [x] [y] [z] ; /launch a [x] [y] [z] ; /l aim [x] [y] [z] ; /l a [x] [y] [z]
    (Launches the player to a certain location.)

    Ideas for permissions : I don't want permissions, so I want it to be set to default. But, do add permissions just in case if something happens.

    When I'd like it by : Anytime.

    - Greg​
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    Not like that.
    What do you mean by "You'd have to use something that teleports them" ?
  4. Offline


    He means instead of actually launching them with velocity, you would have to literally teleport them to the spot that you want.
  5. Offline


    So, actually, what he's trying to say is the plugin that I requested is impossible to make.
    The point is, the plugin teleports the player to a random place (after typing the command), it could be anywhere in the world.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Not really, he is saying that it is hard to make
  7. Offline


    Oh, okay.
  8. Offline


    It is possible, but you'd have to cancel moved too quickly kicks, which would open for a possibility of cheating. Of course you could limit it to the five seconds you mentioned to minimize the cheating possibilities, but there is still a hole.
    Edit: Not to mention it would be quite buggy.
  9. Offline


    Yes, that is true. Argh, why didn't I think about this...
  10. Offline


    Yeah that's us plugin developer's jobs; to shoot ideas down lol not really.
    timtower likes this.
  11. Offline


    I guess this plugin request is a fail...
    Nevermind about the request, this is not needed anymore.
  12. Offline


    Locked since OP is abandoning idea.
    timtower and GregMC like this.
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