[REQUEST] Pick Block [Not sure if its possible]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Christhirteen, Oct 17, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Hey guys, When in creative you have the 'pick block' option.
    This will choose the block you're aiming at. However, when doing that on a Giant mushroom block, it will give you a mushroom. Is there a way to make it give you the actual block with the same damage? (So, data values 99:# 100:# with # being 0-15)

    Just wondering, and if its possible can someone make me a plugin for it?
    Much appreciated! Thanks.

    I also suggested it on the Minecraft Forums. http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1525020-expanded-pick-block-option/
  2. Offline


    I'm not sure if it's possible. As far as I know the Bukkit API can only detect left or right clicks, not middle clicks :/

    If, however, you are okay with using another key to emulate the 'pick block' action (except with fixed mushroom/spawner 'pick blocking'), that might be possible..
  3. Offline


    The key is configurable.. its in the controls. And it works for different blocks just fine.
  4. Offline


    Ugh, I really need this.. So im sorry but Bump.
  5. Offline


    You could maybe use some inventory event for this and then get the target block.

    Do you want the block your aiming at when you choose a different block in you inventory?
  6. Offline


    This could be done with a key item and right clicking the block. I don't think it can be done with pick block key.

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