[Request] Jail

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Tylerjd, Jan 23, 2011.

  1. Offline


    When I was running my server on Hey0's hMod, there used to be a few plugins that added the ability to jail someone in an indestructible jail, this being a way to discipline someone like a griefer by putting them into the jail instead of kicking or banning them. It was really easy to jail someone by doing /jail {name} {length in jail in minutes}. Here is a list of commands that the plugin used.
    /jail create|-c - Sets your current location to the location of the jail.
    /jail delete|-d - Removes the jail and sets all prisoners free.
    /jail release|-r [user] - Releases the user from jail.
    /jail list|-l - List of all players in jail. (Admin Only).
    /jail setrestrictions|-sr [true|false] - If true, players will be restricted to an invisible box.
    /jail setrestrictions|-sr distance|-d [distance]. - Sets the distans a player can move before stoped by the restriction or manage to esacape from jail.
    /jail jailbreak|-jb [true|false] - if true, the players will be able to esacpe, but only if setrestrictions=false.
    /jail cleaninv|-ci [true|false] - If true, players inventory will be wiped when sent to jail.
    /jail broadcast|-b [true|false] - Broadcast when a player is sent to jail.
    /jail jailadmin|-ja [true|false] - If true, Admins can be sent to jail.
    /jail autojail|-aj [true|false] - Sets if Autosend player to jail if trying to place defined illegal blocks. [v.0.45>]
    /jail autojail|-aj list - Shows list of illegal blocks. [v.0.45>]
    /jail autojail|-aj add [id] - Add block to illegalblock list. [v.0.45>]
    /jail autojail|-aj del [id] - Remove block from illegalblock list. [v.0.45>]
    /jail autojail|-aj time [minutes] - The time autojailed prisoners is in jail. Set to 0 to force an manually release. [v.0.46]
    /jail [user] <minutes> - Sends the user to jail for given number of minutes. If minutes is left blank the user is jailed until manual release.
    /help DalaJail - Shows the above list of commands.
    Here is a link to the original hey0 forum post: http://forum.hey0.net/showthread.php?tid=88

    I have just started to learn how to code java, so I will take a stab at it, but someone else would most likely to a cleaner/better job than I.
  2. Offline


    This would be awesome. Other desired jail features:

    - revoke their ability to use most commands, so they can't /warp out or go /home.
    - assign them to a custom 'prisoner' usergroup, setting their spawn to be inside the jail. no suicide escapes.
    - mute them. They should only be able to /msg admins while in jail. no public chat/spamming possible.
    - clear their inventory upon jailing, prevents use of TNT, etc. <-- Already in OP
  3. Offline


    I'm working on it :)

    It's nearly done, it just need some final touches. Maybe it will be even released today.
  4. Offline


    Awesome :eek:
    I probably won't use it though, since I run such a small server made up of friends.
    Still, great idea!
  5. Offline


    Wow, thank you matedjro! I had started on porting DalaJail, but as I said, I'm just starting to learn Java, and I didn't even know where to start... Thank you soo much! [​IMG]
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