[Request] Highprotect and /give from cuboid.

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by KrisEike, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Hey, just a simple request. (I hope)
    The cuboid /highprotect command was SO easy to use, took me about 10 seconds to protect an area to a person.. Now, it takes me 1 minute, and i still don't understand the whole concept for WorldGuard..

    Is there a possibility for someone to make a /highprotect plugin/add a /highprotect command to WorldGuard? I would appreciate it greatly!
    And also, a simple way of /give command.
    Right now, i have to write /give kriseike 1 1, which gives me 1 smooth stone.
    I want it to be /give stone 1 kriseike, like.. adding a name. Right now, i have to use the ID of every item, so writing "diamondpick" won't give me a diamond pickaxe any longer.
    I want the command like this:
    /give diamondpick 1 kriseike
    /give lightstone 1 kriseike

    Like, instead of having to use ID, i want to use both ID and names.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. Offline


    In WorldEdit/Guard, this is literally one extra command.

    First, you mark up the perimeters, then you use //expand vert, to make it include everything on the Y axis. After that, just define it as normal.

    /give and /item are in Essentials (and the bunch of equivalent plugins) - they also do work with item names.
  3. Offline


    Is there tutoral thingy for it? A very good explained one? Because i still don't understand.

    And what did you mean about the /give and /item are in Essentials ? Isn't Essentials a java file? =/

    --- merged: Feb 9, 2011 3:30 PM ---
    You know what, nvm.. i need a plugin that lets me protect stuff fast and easy, not that kind of stuff.
    I need a /highprotect command, that protects the area from bedrock to sky and is easy to use. Just like the cuboid plugin.

    Hope anyone can make this..

  4. Offline


    There's no need to make this. The functionality is there, it's just slightly - even marginally - different from what you're used to. I highly doubt anybody will code a protection plugin for you (it's a lot of work) because you can't be assed typing one extra command. The exception would be if you'd do it yourself, or pay someone to do it.

    The manual is here, RTFM. :)

    As for Essentials, it's a plugin. You can find it here on the forums.

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