[Request] Extremely Simple - KillstreakBroadcast

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Derugo, Feb 21, 2014.

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    Plugin category: Fund

    Suggested name: KillstreakBroadcast

    What I want: To broadcast custom messages at certain (config specified) killstreaks. I'd like the messages to be completely customisable and not be ran through /broadcast or /say, etc. I would also like the plugin to retrieve the player's display name and not player name, so it grabs the player's prefix and rank/name colour. Could this also be made to reset all killstreaks after a reload/restart or when the player lags out or is kicked/banned? Killstreak messages on death saying something like '%victim''s &ekillstreak of &b%victimkillstreak &ewas destroyed by &c%killer' (customisable in the config.

    Also, if possible add custom death messages to this which also grab the players display name and not their username. (toggleable and changeable in the config)

    EDIT: Would it be possible to also make the XP level go up by 1 every killstreak, so players can easily keep track of their killstreak?

    Example config:

    usexplevel: true/false
    Killstreak: (what killstreaks to broadcast at)
    - '1' : 'one' ('one' is what it shows in the message if server owners don't want it to broadcast as an integer)
    - '2' : 'two'
    - '3' : 'three'
    broadcast: '%player &ehas reached a killstreak of &6&l%killstreak&e!'

    Ideas for commands:

    /kb reload
    /kb reset - resets all player killstreaks

    Ideas for permissions:


    When I'd like it by: Possibly today/early tomorrow? ASAP would be good.

    Thanks in return to whoever helps me out!
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  3. Offline


    I'll give it a go.
    Derugo likes this.
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    If you still want the one I wrote, here it is. https://www.dropbox.com/s/snk0qtlo6ftwqnz/KillstreakBroadcast.jar

    The commands and permissions are the same as those that are requested. the config is slightly different, but contains the same features and has comments which explain how to use it. If you find any bugs, drop me a PM and I'll be happy to sort it out. I will probably be uploading this to dev.bukkit.org.
  6. Offline


    [Bug] Message for killstreak being broken by player doesn't display.
    Tested it without changing the config to make sure it works, only thing wrong so far.

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