[REQUEST] Admin Phone Alert

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by stalerin, May 21, 2014.


Do you think this is a good idea?

  1. Yes, it would be cool.

  2. No, it sucks.

  1. Offline


    I have this idea for an increased security measure for all server owners. I have had multiple times that my staff have not been able to do anything to players that where hacking while I was not playing, and I thought this might be very useful. It goes like this. Your staff have access to a command, i.e. /alert [playername] When this command is entered it sends a text and/or email to the designated person through configurations on which to use. So if someone is hacking and your not playing and your staff cant do anything, then they type that command and you and anyone else who is registered gets the alert and can login. For added security if you can edit the config in-game, then you have it password protected, even for ops. When someone use /alert [playername] then the text and/or email will list who sent it and what time it was sent. I have seen other plugins that only allow emails to be sent, but nothing more immediately accessible, but I haven't seen a text setting for one. I understand the limits of minecraft and that this might not be possible, but if it is then I would be very happy for someone to be able to make it. Share your thoughts and ideas below.

    Sorry for the long post, thanks if you read it all.
  2. Offline


    You don't have to put [REQUEST] in the title...ffs its already in plugin Requests
  3. Offline


    Or just let your staff know your E-Mail Adress or Mobile Phone number. Thats what we do. We have a group in WhatsApp and have a E-Mail group/newsletter (not sure what the correct word for it is). Basicly works like that.

    Admin 1 sends an E-Mail to [email protected] [<- that is afaik no working e-mail so :p]
    and from there it gets redirected to all the e-mail adresses entered.

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