[REQ]random generated loot *OR* inventory limit(per item)

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by RonanZer0, Nov 9, 2012.

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    Ok, first of all, random generated loot is NOT what you think.
    Say I have 5 items on my server, custom named & enchanted with NBTEDIT. Normal loot plugins, they just generate random loot right? It will only generate normal items, minus enchantments.
    So these items are called things like 'Firehead', 'Watersplash' and so on.
    Say I want loot to randomly generate every few minutes because people, when in a dungeon, will obviously hog ALL the good stuff. So instead of spawning boring, randomly enchanted stuff with default names it could spawn stuff that I specify.
    I hope this is possible.
    Or of course, a limit of the amount of stuff, people can take from a chest, per X amount of minutes.

    bump no replies and on second page

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2016
  2. Offline


    Try chestrestock or loot. Both do what you are asking for (except the NBT tags) and both are configurable.
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