[REQ] Pay to pass

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Mafidog, May 27, 2011.

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    I was thinking about a plugin which would require you to pay (with iConomy) to open a specific door or move into a specific area.
    This would be good if you would like your players to pay to go somewhere, for example, entering a Pig Farm (monster spawner), or players to get paid by other players to visit stuff, like monuments, museums, e.t.c.
    The commands could be:
    /ticket set [cost ($)] After this command is typed, by clicking a door, it will require you to pay in ingame money to use it/open it. A properties file could allow the ops to set what message a player will get when he uses it/opens it.
    /ticket del After this command is typed, by clicking a door to which a ticket was placed, it will delete it.

    • Permissions which would define which users will be able to set tickets.
    • A way for mods to approve users to set a ticket on a door.
    I would be happy if a nice Dev could take a look at this. :)
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