[Req] Lobby-Fun

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by EvilGooD, Jun 25, 2014.

  1. Offline


    Plugin Category: Fun
    Suggested name: Lobbyfun
    What I want: I had the idea of ​​creating a plugin with which users could play in the lobby.
    My idea is to add a number of objects that can be bought by points that are earned by poppear users in the lobby (click them left) and appearing with an inventory:
    In slot 1 a welcome book that you write it on the server with a command and stay for all users who log appear with him (including admins / op)
    3 In a normal glass (no tint) that is yes you have to have points poppeado people (100 if you have a blue appear clearly, if you have 200 dark one and if you have 500 or more red one)
    on slot 4 ghast tear it also tells you how many points you have, and if you give right click you can buy items that tell now.
    Well the fun part is you can buy a number of items to get rid of players (chicken egg that cost 1000 points), a "weapon" to "color" the lobby with clays disappear in time that you indicate you in configuration (it will cost 2000 points), a weapon to push users (cost 1000 points and give you right click a user pushes and out bats), a gun (a hoe that giving click right or left to air / users release and exit points as bullets ghast tears)
    Users click left to give to another user in the lobby earn points, and in the air will come out of ghast tears and chatting'll get a message like this: http://gyazo.com/1df6c65c192b0da651e6bed594956b54.png

    Ideas for commands:
    /points (command to see your points)
    /points <player> (Command to view a user points)
    /points -s <player> (Command to set how many points a user has)
    /timeset -c <time> (Command to set the time it takes to re-form the lobby when a user right click gives the gun lobby with paint)
    /gunset <ID_objet> (Command to set which is the paint gun lobby)
    /setbook1 (Command to set which is the book that all players appear to enter the server (the command must be set with book in hand))
    /pushgunset <ID_objet> (Command to set which is the weapon to push users in the lobby)

    Ideas for permissions:
    points.view (permission to view the points of a player)
    points.modify (permission to modify the points of a player)
    lobbyfun.* (generally op)
    lobbyfun.push (Permission a user to push in the lobby)
    lobbyfun.points (Permission to receive points in the lobby)
    lobbyfun.color (Permission to paint the lobby with gun)
    lobbyfun.popp (Permission to receive points by hitting a user in the lobby)

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