[REQ] Hide your name with Nickname plugin.

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Neo1035, Mar 5, 2011.

  1. Offline


    I have always wanted to make our names invisible, but I have been told it is impossible. I have, though, seen a nickname plugin in which you can change your name. Out of curiosity, I'm wondering if it's possible to make a nickname plugin in which it changes your name to " ", in which it becomes completely invisible. I know nothing of any programming languages, especially Javascript. If someone could please tell me firstly whether or not it is possible to make it, or if it is possible for them specifically to make it, that'd be nice.
  2. Offline


    There is no real way it can be done other than sending spoofed packets to the server.

    It is a hackish and unstable implementation.

    It is for practical reasons not-doable.
  3. Offline


    i think the closest thing you can come to this is using a vanish plugin. It wont illiminate your name from the chat, but people wont be able to see your name above your head. They wont be able to see you either, though. :D
  4. Offline


    Pookie, what if you did that, but then put a fake character 'body' over yourself?

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