Filled [REQ] Gear stats as trophies and historical record

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by LHammonds, Jul 27, 2013.

  1. Offline


    Does anyone know of a plugin that is similar to ToolStats but is more configurable to be less? Sounds weird huh?

    I'm looking for a way to have crafted gear (armor/weapons/tools) with useful info in the lore section.

    At the very least, I'd like a "Crafted by {username}" added so it is known who made the gear originally even if it has been repaired on an anvil by a different player. This helps items become trophies to others and as a recorded history of items made.

    It would also be handy if it included other info such as maybe when it was created and dynamic info such as (for tools) how many blocks were mined with it or (for weapons) how many players or mobs have been killed with it.

    The ability to control the color of the lore text via config would be nice but not mandatory. Two variables would be sufficient. One for the static info, the other for the data values. Examples below.

    For performance reasons, it would be handy if there was an option to stop tracking stats in case it becomes too much for a server and just continue to use the static "Crafted by" and "Created on" tags.

    As for commands, I don't see a need for any.

    As for permissions, it might be handy to allow certain groups to make use of the plugins features such as being able to add the static info and being able to add the dynamic info so that one group may see no difference than vanilla when creating items, another group (e.g. blacksmiths) might see the static info when crafting and another group (e.g. knights) might see the dynamic info when crafting and using.

    Example lore on a diamond sword:

    Crafted by HammondsLegacy
    Created on 2013-07-26
    Mobs killed: 24
    Players killed: 56

    Example lore on a diamond helmet:

    Crafted by xmoj10
    Created on 2013-05-20
    Damaged Received: 2,540

    Example lore on a diamond pickaxe:

    Crafted by GoldenOnyx
    Created on 2013-01-02
    Blocks mined: 210

    Example lore on a fishing rod:

    Crafted by TheWhiteKnight15
    Created on 2013-07-26
    Fish caught: 28

    Example lore on an iron axe:

    Crafted by beastxgamer
    Created on 2013-04-28
    Blocks mined: 2
    Mobs killed: 12
    Players killed: 2,509
  2. Offline


    Hmm I'd like to create this but I am a complete noob and have no idea how to create a plugin of this magnitude. Maybe another dev would make this?

    Edit: And maybe for the armor you can also add hits taken?
  3. Offline


    Good idea. "Damaged Received" added to the armor example. As for the coding, I would imagine it would be a subset of the plugin I mentioned but with configurable options. I did ask that particular author if "crafted by" could be added back in May but received no reply.
  4. Offline


    I'll attempt it but I'm not promising anything.....

    Ok I got a basic demo working. It shows who crafted the item. I will add more stuff later. Here is the link because it is waiting on BukkitDev.
    Here you go:

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 3, 2016
  5. Offline


    Awesome! Thanks so much for making this. Trying out GearStats 0.1 now.

    It does in fact work! Tested it out on CraftBukkit 1.6.2 (Build 2824) with Java 1.7.0_21 (64-bit) on Windows 7 and Ubuntu Server 12.04.2

    Here are some observations/suggestions I see so far for 0.1 of the plugin:

    The tools' lore survived being enchanted on an anvil...perfect.
    The tools' lore survived an anvil repair...perfect.
    The tools' lore survived an Essentials plugin /repair hand....perfect
    The tools' lore survived being placed in floauction's auction....perfect

    The crafting date includes the time. I don't think it would be necessary to record time....just makes the lore line that much longer.

    The lore is added to anything done on a crafting table which is not desirable. For example, turning wood into planks makes custom plans (because the lore is attached). Same with sticks, torches, bonemeal and such. The lore is removed once these items that are place-able are placed and picked back up. It only serves to mess up the inventory stacking. The added lore really needs to be confined to unique items that don't get placed such as armor, weapons/tools.

    Only apply the lore to the following (of any material type): helmet, chestsplate, leggings, boots, sword, bow, pickaxe, axe, shovel, hoe, fishing rod, flint-n-steel, compass, clock, map. If possible, maybe make it so that the items that have lore added are controlled in a config file...such as a list of item IDs. That would allow someone to specify something such as a diamond block if they like.

    Here is a item ID list of those particular items I mentioned if this makes it any easier for you:

    iron armor: 306, 307, 308, 309
    leather armor: 298, 299, 300, 301
    gold armor: 314, 315, 316, 317
    diamond armor: 310, 311, 312, 313
    chainmail armor: 302, 303, 304, 305
    iron tools: 256, 257, 258, 267, 292
    wood tools: 268, 269, 270, 271, 290
    stone tools: 272, 273, 274, 275, 291
    diamond tools: 276, 277, 278, 279, 293
    gold tools: 283, 284, 285, 286, 294
    flint-n-steel: 259
    bow: 261
    fishing rod: 346
    clock: 347
    compass: 345
    empty map: 395
    map: 358



    I'm redirecting all future comments to the GearStats page. This thread can be ignored now. :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 3, 2016

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